
2014-09-23 5:02 am
1)Chris wants to measure the thickness of a $5 coin.
a)According to the measurement above, what is the thickness of a $5 coin?
b)Suggest a method to measure the thickness of a $5 coin accrately.

2)Suggest a method to measur the weight of a paper clip.(List the tools required and the measuring procedures.)

3)Suggest a method to measure the volume of a marble.(List the tools required and the measuring procedures.)


回答 (1)

2014-09-23 11:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a. 3.26mm
1b. 當你要量度一些較薄的物件,你可以考慮增加物件的數量,叠起來量度:
Total height of coins / number of coins = height of a coin.

2. 同之前一樣原理,對於一些輕的物件,可以增加數量,然後:
Total weight of paper clips / number of paper clips = weight of a paper clip
i. measure scale
ii. certain numbers of paper clips.
i. place the paper clips onto the measure scale.
ii. use the formula: Total weight / number of paper clips = weight of a paper clip.

3. 至於不規則的立體,你可以放入水中,量度升起的水位x容器的底面積,這就是那不規則立體的體積。
i. a glass cylinder with marking.
ii. water
iii. certain numbers of marbles.
i. place water into the cylinder
ii. mark the height of water.
iii. place the marbles into the cylinder.
iv. mark the height of water again.
v. calculate the volume of total volume of the marbles:
[Height of water from (iv) - Height of water from (ii)] * Area of the cylinder's base
= Total volume of the marbles.
vi calculate the volume of a marble.
Total volume of the marbles / number of marbles = volume of a marble.

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