我想問下 在加拿大 可不可以經由網上買賣香港的股票?

2014-09-21 10:10 pm


能不能用以下的網址或apps 得到關於股票的情報 圖之類


aastocks apps

google 財經

回答 (4)

2014-09-21 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
絕對沒有問題, 只要能夠連線便可, 加拿大凡的親戚都是上香港的網買賣的。

你所講的apps都可以睇股價, 完全不是問題。

2014-09-26 10:00 pm
2014-09-22 6:15 pm
Gary: "CRA does not allow anyone in Canada having a foreign investment account."

Not true!!!

Everyone in Canada can have bank accounts and investment accounts in foreign countries. If you have total foreign asset more than C$100,000, you just have to report it to CRA using form T1135.
2014-09-22 12:27 am
1. The answer is no.

It is not a technical issue, but legal issue. In theory, you will not have problem accessing the website and place a trade order.

However, CRA does not allow anyone in Canada having a foreign investment account. If you check with Hang Seng Bank, the bank will also tell you that whoever has a Canadian address can't trade stock in Hong Kong.

2. Yes.

2014-09-22 10:22:11 補充:
Try to tell Hang Seng Bank you have a Canadian address and see if they will close your account.

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