中學經濟 機會成本

2014-09-21 5:56 am
A話 I need to spend one hour getting my hair cut. The cost of my hair cut is more than yours!
B話 You are wrong! We pay the same amount for our hair cut!


回答 (3)

2014-09-21 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

A is right, because he was referring to his time, so the "'cost" he referred to included the cost he paid, as well the opportunity cost.

B is wrong, not because A is a medical doctor or B is a construction worker, but because his answer referred only to the cost he paid, whereas A was referring to the cost he paid, and the cost of "not earning income" for an hour. A did imply that his opportunity cost was higher, but he did not specify whether that was owing to his hair-cut taking longer, or his pay being higher.

From an economics standpoint, opportunity cost must mean the lost of income that can "incur" if pursued. In the case of the Medical Doctor and the construction worker, it is possible that the construction worker's opportunity cost is higher, if he is paid hourly and the Medical Doctor is on a fixed salary.

2014-09-22 13:46:38 補充:
A was correct because he simply made a statement about the cost of his time. B was incorrect because he thought A was talking about the cost of the haircut. Regarding the M.D., I merely indicated that if he is on a fixed salary, there is no opportunity cost for the one hour he spent on the hair-cut.
參考: My past learning
2014-09-22 10:31 am
出這題的人無考慮不同的 scenarios
A 和 B 的職業, 在哪個國家, 在什麼環境下 ?
謝謝 Tree 提供 A是醫生, B是建築工人
謝謝 ed_young 提有可能 - 建築工人工資多過醫生
在加拿大醫院做 medical resident 薪水是少過 bricklayer
建築工人每週工作超過 44 小時, 要給1.5 x regular hourly wage
2014-09-21 6:40 am










2014-09-20 22:41:40 補充:
時間成本= 小時 x 時薪

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