Since this referendum has failed, when can Scotland vote for independence again?

2014-09-19 5:44 pm

回答 (13)

2014-09-19 5:55 pm
Eff right off. This was torture. The hell we're doing this again anytime soon!
參考: A Scot.
2014-09-19 9:56 pm
The referendum didn't fail. In fact it went off brilliantly. The Scottish people have spoken and the democratic process must be respected. 55% of Scotland wants to stay part of the UK - accept it!

As for your answer it'll probably be at least another 30 years or so at least before another referendum is called but that's a decision for the next generation.
2014-09-19 5:47 pm
Why don't they try voting for it 50 some times like the Republicans did with Obamacare?
2014-09-20 1:44 am
It didn't fail. It did its job, 85% of Scots voted which is the best turnout for over 60 years, and we got a clear result. You can't ask for more.

You can only say it has failed if you disagree with the result. There is nothing to stop another one being held next week if all the arrangements could be made in time. But what would be the point of asking pretty much the same people again? This is why the usual view is that it's best to leave it to a new generation of voters, who might think differently. Keeping on having referenda on the same thing until you get the "right" result is an abuse of the process. And what it is most likely to do is annoy the voters.
2014-09-19 5:47 pm
When they catch the Lock Ness Monster, you got to have something going for you.
2014-09-19 6:05 pm
Not for another generation.

It certainly won't happen in our lifetime.
2014-09-19 5:48 pm
In the future.
2014-09-19 5:52 pm
The referendum was a resounding success --just look at the proportion of the Scottish population that voted .

So you are really asking -- if the result isn't the one the "Yes " campaign wanted , can they keep having referenda until the dumb Scots get it right ?

I guess ultimately ,it really depends on just how dumb the Scots are .
2014-09-19 9:41 pm
Ask the next leader of the S.N.P.
2014-09-19 5:57 pm
I mean, to really do it again... and do it well... probably 10 years at least... it's just going to seem like sour grapes if they do it much before then...

unless the UK REALLY messes something up... then they could do it sooner on those coat tails...

but the oil may be slowing more by then... that could complicate worries about their ability to fund the gov...
2014-09-20 2:14 pm
After 10 years.
2014-09-19 5:53 pm
18 months is the required time period. I have a good friend who lives in Glasgow and he is a staunch Scottish nationalist. I also have a friend in Edinburgh who is against. I have two friends who are now American citizens both were against the measure. 18 months the can try another vote, they can begin to drum up support now if they choose to. Having listened to both sides of the argument I have to say it is like flipping over a good record LP. Both sides have a point, and even my friend from Glasgow readily admits Alex is not the best leader to follow
2014-09-19 8:49 pm
When there is sufficient popular demand for it. One potential scenario - the UK votes to leave the EU in a national referendum given by a minority Tory government in 2017. The EU is generally very popular in Scotland so this would renew demands that we vote on our future within the UK. And this time the result would very probably be a Yes.

Edit: 4 thumbdowns for a hypothetical scenario? I didn't realise the unionists here were so insecure...

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