English Grammar phrasal verb

2014-09-20 7:21 am
Please fill in the correct prepositions.

1. When you call out ____ him, I shall jump at him from the back.

2. The hunters advanced nearer and closed _____ on the fox.

3. How is your work coming ______ now? Can you manage to carry __ on your own?

4. The firm has branched ____ and has agencies in several states.

5. The sound of their footsteps soon died ___ and he gave a sign of relief.

6. Courage and perseverance will carry you ___ many difficulties.

7. The sky has cleared ____. We shall be able to call ____ Aunt May now.

8. " Will you come straight ___ the point? Please leave out all unnecessary details," he said.

9. The day of the examination drew ___. This brought ____ tension and arguments among most of the students.

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2014-09-20 7:45 pm
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1. When you call out on him, I shall jump at him from the back.

2. The hunters advanced nearer and closed in on the fox.

3. How is your work coming along now? Can you manage to carry on on your own?

4. The firm has branched out and has agencies in several states.

5. The sound of their footsteps soon died off and he gave a sign of relief.

6. Courage and perseverance will carry you through many difficulties.

7. The sky has cleared up. We shall be able to call on Aunt May now.

8. " Will you come straight to the point? Please leave out all unnecessary details," he said.

9. The day of the examination drew near. This brought on tension and arguments among most of the students.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:23:54
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