中文翻譯英文 謝謝x1000

2014-09-19 10:10 am
中文翻譯英文 謝謝x1000




回答 (7)

2014-09-19 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Would you sell it to me for the price of $3,700?

Could you ship it to Hong Kong, the place where I live? By the way, how much will it cost for the shipment?

Hi there! I have already made the payment. I would much appreciate if you would pack the product carefully so that it is secure from accidental damage during shipping. In particular, the blue cover and the red-light portion of the handheld laser head are required further wrapping for maximum protection. Thank you very much.
2014-09-21 4:14 pm
“Can you sell me at the cost price $3700?” =
你可不可以成本價 $3700 賣掉我?

You can sell me at a cost price of $3700.
You ~ subject
sell ~ transitive verb
me ~ object

你是否開玩笑? You are only worth $3700.
假定你是職業足球員, 轉球會, 你是值多過 $3700 !!

2014-09-21 08:58:32 補充:
Can you sell me the product at a cost price of $3700?
you ~ subject
sell ~ transitive verb
me ~ indirect object
the product ~ direct object

Sentence patterns:~
sell someone something
sell something to someone
2014-09-20 11:31 am

May I asked if you agree to sell it for $3700 ?
As I'm staying in Hong Kong and wished if it can be delivered there ? And how much is the freight?
How are you? After payment would it be carefully packed besides, be careful to wrap the blue cap in its place and also to protect against where the handheld radiator's reddish beam is.
參考: Partly according to the Dictionary
2014-09-20 4:21 am



Will be $ 3700 sold to me?

I can ship position in Hong Kong to ask it? Another shipping costs how much?

Hello, has completed the payment, please kindly help me secure packaging, and the other blue cap handheld laser head position and the position of special help red wrap, thank you
2014-09-19 10:01 pm
Would you sell it to me at $3700?

I live in Hong Kong. Will delivery be made to Hongkong and what will the freight cost be?

Hi, I have settled payment. Please kindly pack the item safely - especially the blue cover and the laser head. Thanks very much for your attention to this.

Best regards,
2014-09-19 7:27 pm
Can you sell it to me at $3700?

I base in Hong Kong, is it possible for you to send the parcel to Hong Kong? By the way, how much you cost for the courier fee?

Hi, I have made the payment. Please help me to package my parcel safe and nice. On top of that, I would like you to take more care on the blue cap and hand-held lazer red head position. Thank you.
2014-09-19 6:18 pm
The translation:-
Can you sell me at the cost price $3700 ?
My location is in Hong Kong.
Can you send the package to me with the shipping cost ?
Payment completed .
Please ensure a secure packing especially on the Blue cover&laser head red light.

2014-09-19 14:14:50 補充:
Hi there !
Best regards.

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