
2014-09-19 3:20 am
大部份日常用品(電視 冷氣機 雪櫃等等)係咪用AC? 點解要用AC取代DC? 電腦同電話點解用DC?
電話用DC 我地大廈接收到既係AC 咁電話既插頭係咪內置左semiconductor?

回答 (3)

2014-09-19 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 我想問係咪所有插頭同充電器都內置變壓器?

A: Chargers (充電器) convert electricity from household 220v AC mains to low voltage DC. There is a voltage converter (電壓轉換器) and rectification circuit (整流電路) inside.

Q: 大部份日常用品(電視 冷氣機 雪櫃等等)係咪用AC? 點解要用AC取代DC? 電腦同電話點解用DC?

A: Portable devices, like notebool computers and mobile phones, usually run on batteries, so that they can be carried and used anywhere easily. Because batteries provide DC voltage, these devices are then designed to use DC as the power source.

Notice that the power circuit inside computers and mobile phones will change the DC from battery to the form required for operation of these devices.

Q: 電話用DC 我地大廈接收到既係AC 咁電話既插頭係咪內置左semiconductor?

A: Please see answer to Q1. The charger converts the AC power from the mains to DC voltage to facilitate charging of the phone battery. There are electronic components inside the charger circuit.
2014-09-19 10:29 pm




傳統物理來說ac用於供電(由電廠長距離)升壓再降壓會使loss少些,所以供電是用ac的,但是電子系統都是低電壓的微電流dc設計,現代的ac/dc火牛都是用電子semiconductor-bridge而不是用線圈的,所以更細更輕,但不等於冇loss,只是比較少只是因為變壓或電機性的heat loss。
2014-09-19 3:33 am

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