Is it ok to steal in this case?

2014-09-18 3:26 am
i have went to this store for the past 2 yrs to shop occasionally for things and they've always ripped me off for my own money. they sell cheap stuff that does not necessarily work. ive literally wasted like a hunddred dollars at their store. So one day, i was broke and i walked in and store a bra since i needed a new one. i know stealing is wrong and illegal but i feel like im justified in this case. I feel I need to get my money's worth.

laughter_every_day, i never said anything about if courts find it justifiable. im saying that i feel its justified ethically and morally.

回答 (8)

2014-09-18 4:17 am
No just go to a different store in that case
2014-09-18 3:31 am
No, it is not okay to steal in this case. It is not justified either ethically or morally. If you don't like the store, then don't shop there.
2014-09-18 3:28 am
Well, justified or not, keep in mind that you will lose a lot more than $100 or so if you are caught shoplifting and have to pay legal fees, which can easily be in the thousands of $$$. I would suggest simply not shopping at that store ever again.
2014-09-18 3:27 am
No. If the store doesn't sell functional items then you don't shop there
2014-09-18 3:27 am
Why do you even go there if you don't like the stuff? Coupons are made for a reason.
2014-09-18 3:30 am
No, just shop at a different store. What if the bra straps break and your boobs fall out in front of men?
2014-09-18 3:36 am
Im not saying stealing is ok but for sure if you do, don't get caught because you will have a crimilal record which can follow you around for quite some time. That and you will most likely be quite embarassed and shamed if you did get caught.
2014-09-18 3:27 am

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