Would you eat in a restaurant that was called 'The Naked Lunch'?

2014-09-18 3:25 am

回答 (11)

2014-09-18 3:55 am
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Probably not but I saw that weird movie.
2014-09-18 3:42 am
Maybe, I would assume the food is stripped of any artificial flavors and it's,natural.
2014-09-18 3:26 am
No because it sounds like it's going to be raw food. And people who eat that stuff always seem to be starving. lol
2014-09-20 2:03 am
If it had good food, yes. I don't judge a restaurant by it's name.
2014-09-19 6:53 pm
NO --- because if it's the place I'm thinking of,
the only thing that is naked about it, is the condition of your wallet when you leave.
2014-09-19 4:40 pm
I don't pay too much attention to titles. As long as they served good food.
2014-09-18 4:49 pm
Not if it's this place... https://sites.google.com/site/nakedlunchsf/

A mixed green salad for $9?! Those are just greens and herbs! I can get a large side salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, sprouts, seeds, artichoke hearts, beets, roasted peppers, and sweet potato for that at a local place here.
2014-09-18 3:31 am
Yes,I would..I drink naked why not eat naked...

Health wise...
2014-09-18 3:29 am
Yes, so I can see naked women.
2014-09-18 3:28 am
If it were a place where people got naked as I ate lunch, yes.

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