Does this rabbit look overweight to you?

2014-09-18 12:55 am
Hi so this is my friend's rabbit, peppermint. They got her about 2 years ago and didn't take care of her very well (never let her run around out of her hutch, didn't clip her claws, no vet trips, etc) and now they are finally starting to realize that her requirements are a lot less easy than they thought and they are making an effort to care for her correctly. My question is does peppermint look a bit overweight to you? They've been over feeding her until now and never letting her out so I just wanted to hear your opinions. Any advice that I can tell my friend about is appreciated as well. Thank you!

回答 (6)

2014-09-18 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
No. nice Dutch rabbit too - proper weight.
2014-09-18 12:57 am
i dont see a picture or a link to one
2014-09-18 2:03 am
No but nice looking Dutch rabbit by the way! :)
2014-09-19 7:26 pm
she looks fine to me
2014-09-18 1:27 am
No, not noticeably overweight in that photo.
2014-09-18 1:18 am
Sorry the pic didn't upload but it's here now

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