
2014-09-18 3:42 am
  ‘  middle school '    和

     ‘ secondary school ’

  有何差別 ?

回答 (4)

2014-09-18 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Middle school
1 a school in Britain for children between the ages of 8 and 12
2 a school in the US for children between the ages of 11 and 14

Secondary school
~ a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18

在加拿大安大略省, 政府公校

Primary school – Junior/Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1 – Grade 5
Middle school – Grade 6 – Grade 8
Secondary school – Grad 9 – Grade 12

有些地方 primary school 和 middle school 聯合
私立的名校 kindergarten - Grade 12

Pui Ching Middle School = 香港培正中學
Clementi Secondary School = 金文泰中學

2014-09-18 07:55:08 補充:
香港傳統的中文中學仍然使用 Middle School

Pooi To Middle School 香港培道中學
True Light Middle School of Hong Kong 香港真光中學
Pui Kiu Middle School 培僑中學
Heung To Middle School 香島中學

嶺南中學 Lingnam Middle School (司徒拔道)
現轉了 Lingnam Secondary School

Tak Ming Middle School 德明中學
Tai Tung Middle School 大同中學

2014-09-19 01:14:44 補充:
Thanks to 石破天驚.

教育局用 Elementary School (not "Primary School")

2014-09-19 01:28:29 補充:
Toronto 教育局有用 "Middle School "
Cummer Valley Middle School (Grade 6 -8)
Don Mills Middle School (Grade 6 - 8)

Grade 7 - 9, 有些用 "Junior High School", St. Andrew's, Zion Height

私立小學有用 primary school 字眼
Kingsley Primary School, Toronto
Cypress Park Primary School, Vancouver
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2014-09-21 1:51 am
Middle School and Secondary School do have the same meaning except most English in Hong Kong Schools use Secondary School while Chinese Schools use Middle School
2014-09-19 7:15 am
在加拿大, 政府公校 (there are elementary schools but not "primary" school)

At provincial level : (Ministry of Education)
Elementary: grade 1 - 8
Secondary: grade 9 - 12

2014-09-18 23:18:55 補充:
At provincial level, there is no strict definition to differentiate between elementary and secondary. It is up to individual districts.

Elementary: grade 1 - 7
Secondary: gr 8 - 12

Victoria 學校局:
Elementary: gr 1 - 5
Middle: gr 6 - 8
Secondary: gr 9 -12

2014-09-18 23:44:18 補充:
Victoria 學校局:
Elementary: Kindergarten - grade 5

知足常樂 ( 知識長 ) 的意見十分合理
2014-09-18 3:59 am
嚴格地分辨的話,middle school 係在 primary school (小學) 和 secondary school (中學) 之間的 初級中學。


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