Cantonese slang dictionary

2014-09-17 11:50 pm
Is there an online dictionary for Cantonese slangs that I can use to look up slangs that I don't understand. The definition can be in either chinese or english. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2014-09-20 9:48 am
是有網上這類字典, 只不過不是權威性,
翻譯與解釋是否正確, 可信性如何, 沒有其他的人評論.
不像商務印書館, 港大, 牛津, 朗文出版的其他書籍
網上這類字典只作參考, 有好過無, 使用者自己評定

網上香港地道俗語字典 ~ 中文 (小部分)
作者: 歐陽覺亞 / 周無忌 / 饒秉才
出版社: 商務印書館
2014-09-19 12:33 am
No such online dictionary for Cantonese slangs.Slang is very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people eg in Canton proverbs with Intentional hidden meaning, and is usually not used in serious speech or writing a letter or in literature.Slang words and phrases are marked "sl" in eg:-"three dictionaries".eg:-"Slag off" is British slang for a slang expression for "critize" in derogatory way.Try buy the three dictionaries:-
(1)Times New Chinese-English Dictionary. Online Book Store Beijing Language and Culture University Press 1997.Contents;Guide to the Use of the Dictionary with Radical Index are eg:-narcotic drugs,narcotics---
(2)Contemporary Chinese-English Dictionary;first published 1997 by Beijing Language and Culture University Press;Beijing 100083 where Pinyin Index(stroke/radical)are found eg:-=narcotic drugs,narcotics.
P.218 "du"(=Pinyin Index)
(3)Zhongda Chinese-English Dictionary,2003, Published by the Chinese University Press, with Web-site where Index based on Radicals P179 are found:-eg:-narcotic drugs, narcotics;drug abuse;trafficker;dealer;control;poisonous substances=readers.etc.
(4)Some Chinese Fortune-teller Books 2015-2016 will happen to include Cantonese slang dictionary and their Intentional hidden meanings.
2014-09-18 10:09 pm

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