
2014-09-17 2:17 am
1)圖一,繩子上晾著一件衣服。繩子兩端固定在兩道牆上,其中一條水平,另一條與水平成20° 。



thx a lot!!

回答 (2)

2014-09-17 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Along a string, the tension should be the same.

In daigram 1, the middle of the string is acted upon by a force, the weight of the clothes. Thus the point (middle point of the string) appears to be acted by 3 forces to make that point in equilibrium. The existence of the downward force from the clothes weight makes the left and right hand sides of the string be of different tension.

In diagram 2, it is assumed that the top of the glass tube is smooth and thus there is no frictional force acting on the swirling string. The tension along the string would then be the same.

2014-09-17 23:39:00 補充:
Your suppl question:
It is just simply the middle point of the string is acted on by another force.
Just think of the string behaves like a spring.When you grip (or hold tightly) the middle part of the spring, you could extend the two sides of the spring to different lengths,i.e. different tensions.
2014-09-17 2:17 am
圖一: photo.pchome.com.tw/forever2015/141086250892
圖二: photo.pchome.com.tw/forever2015/141086251811

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