How to delete all accounts registered with my email?

2014-09-14 7:17 am

回答 (1)

2014-09-15 3:48 pm should have written them down somewhere. When I first started I would not have either. Anyway just delete those that you can remember and hope for the best. You also have the option of deleting this account and creating a new one.

To close your account make sure that you are signed
in to the account that you wish to delete.

Special attn: Make sure you read what you will LOSE when you
cancel your account.
On the sign in page click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT located at
the bottom of the sign in area. OR Click this link and fill out the form
to create a new account.
Email ID requirements/restrictions
NOTE: I have found that if you enter your home phone (land line) instead of a Mobile phone number the next screen will tell you they recognize it but you can continue and verification will go through your home phone.
Password requirements

NOTE: You can make as many ID's as you want.

Recommendation: Create a STRONG password for each.
NOTE:..creating a strong password makes it more difficult to
hack your account...=))
And some VERY good secret questions/answers.
And PLEASE write them down somewhere in
case you forget them. I have seen many users report they cannot
remember them, which creates problems when trying to recover
forgotten ID'S and Passwords. =))
If you have not done this this step may help you when your account
has been compromised...Strongly recommended

Setting up your second sign-in verification

Note: Once you setup this option, you or the person setting up this
option on his/her account must and should access his/her account
using only the computer used to setup this verification. If he or she
logs into another system or computer he/she will be asked to verify
their identity using the security questions. if someone tries to HACK
in to your account they will have to answer these question.

Yahoo no longer picks the best answer. We out here would
appreciate YOU doing it. So....when you are done receiving
answers to your question "PLEASE" pick one as a BEST
answer so someone out her can get credit for answering your
question...... Thanks......

You must wait ONE HOUR after you ask a question before choosing.

This link will show how.


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