maths- Locus

2014-09-13 8:08 pm
Let A(t,(t^2)/2) be a point on the parabola x^2=2y. B is a point (2,2)

Find the equation of the locus of the mid-pt of AB as A moves along the parabola.

Give steps please. Thank you so much!!!

回答 (2)

2014-09-13 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let midpoint of AB be (h,k)
Since B is (2,2) and A is (t,(t^2)/2), where A is a point on the parabola x^2=2y,
The property of a mid point is:
x-coordinate = (Ax+Bx)/2
y-coordinate = (Ay+By)/2

So, h=(t+2)/2 => t=2h-2 ---------------(i)
and k=[(t^2)/2+2]/2 ----------------------(ii)

Substitute (i) into (ii)

So, the locus of (h,k) is y=x^2-2x+2
2014-09-13 10:26 pm
請看以下圖解 :
參考: Victor 老師

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