Nationality & Ethnicity

2014-09-13 6:23 pm
What is the difference between "Nationality" and "Ethnicity"?

I am a Chinese borned in Hong Kong and holding the HKSAR Passport

What should I fill in the form with the following two the columns?

1. Nationality : ___________
2. Ethnicity : ___________


Thanks for the prompt response by 本週之星 Usually, when the form has only one column either written as "Nationality" or "Ethnicity", I will fill in "Chinese".


However, I have the experience that "Nationality" and "Ethnicity" appeared in the same form, I just wonder what should I fill in?

回答 (4)

2014-09-14 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nationality 是國籍Ethnicity 是種族、民族 很多地方會分開問是因為現在有許多人有雙重國籍,好比說台灣人有臺灣國籍與美國國籍,但這不代表台灣人就是白人、北美人種。同樣的,一個菲律賓人可能同時也有澳洲國籍,但以人種來說他是菲律賓人,或是東南亞人。我也有遇過一個德國人拿紐西蘭國籍的,但他會對外說我是歐洲人。 Back to your question, 你是在香港出生的中國人,所以你的國籍(Nationality)就是中國(Chinese),你的種族可以是中國人(Chinese)、漢族(Han Chinese)或亞洲人(Asian)。記得這些詞物開頭必要大寫。 Hope this helps :)
參考: 吉祥月
2016-02-04 8:33 am
Race 與ethnicity 有何分別呢?
2014-09-13 11:14 pm
2 Ethnicity:-ethnic=of a racial,national, or tribal group;where ethnic minority groups=eg=Nepal;Canton;ethnically=in connection with a racial,or tribal group,whether the two peoples are related.
---ethnicity=(city)=ethnical adj
2014-09-13 6:49 pm
你可以填chinese ,中國係強國,冇人唔識,你護照亦有註明,ethnicity 係種族,不常用,有必要可加註"han chinese"。

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