I keep seeing the supposed devil's number lately?

2014-09-13 6:40 am
A lot. Sometimes it's 666. Sometimes 606. 616. Even numbers slightly off by one number like 665. Seeing it a lot for the last couple weeks. And at the same time, depression is kicking in and I cut myself. Even occasionally have a desire to not live anymore. Also things with the girl I care about most and need have suddenly stopped and gone downhill fast. I'm not the most religious guy but is it possible something could be at work here?

回答 (11)

2014-09-13 7:03 am
it is a number only. if you start to give and take with this image, than you will go down.

2014-09-13 6:49 am
You should see a doctor, not ask for help from people who will support your delusion with no thought to your health and safety.
2014-09-13 6:43 am
At this point in time, he IS winning.
2014-09-13 7:23 am
Not possibly but is. Demons are masters of manipulation and thrive on depression oppression and misery. This is the entrance or portal into your soul. Jesus defeated them at the cross and in between the resurrection stripped them of all power! The only way demons can now have power is through the free will and spirit of man. For it to have power it must embed its roots iinto a humans soul to seek a dry place, inhabit and try to take over like a remote control virus. Ultimate goal is to separate the body from spirit! How? Suicide. Separate the 2 and a tormented soul can be released to allow many others to feed on. The voices in your head or ears are not what society deems (in this case) as your conscious or id, ego or super ego but powers and principalities not of this world. Wickedness that one must be delivered from. If you want a prayer to address them comment and ill give you one to say for you are worthy in repentance flawless in His sight and worthy of His grace. God Bless
2014-09-13 6:57 am
You're more aware. Which is a good thing, blind people don't see this. Look at the Taco Bell logo, there's 666 in it, and also the monster logo is 666 in Hebrew numbers. Once ur aware, it's everywhere. The best things hidden are right in front of your eyes
2014-09-13 7:53 am
The first problem here is your perception of what numbers qualify as the supposed "devil's number". Neither 606,616, or any number other than 666 is considered satanic. The second problem is that the only reason you're seeing these numbers is that you're LOOKING for them, so you only notice it when you see them and you DON'T notice it when you see unrelated numbers. This is called "confirmation bias". Go ahead, look it up.
2014-09-13 7:25 am
666 was a mistranslation -

The actual Number of the Beast is 6^6^6 (6 raised the power of 6 raised to the power of 6 again) or


Let us know how often you are seeing this number ....
2014-09-13 7:03 am
have you seen the number 69 lately?
2014-09-13 6:45 am
Something is trying to send you a message. I see the number 11 all the time. This has been going on for years. There is a movie actually talks about this. It is call 21 or something. You should look up this movie and watch it.
2014-09-13 6:48 am
Yes, something is definitely play here, but it's not demonic forces. It's mental illness. Whether it be depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, or a bunch of co-morbid conditions. Everything you described, from the selective attention and cognitive bias of noticing pattens of numbers frequently (Frequency illusion or Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon) to the self harm, to the suicidal ideation.

It is not only possible but probable that you have an undiagnosed mental disorder that has only recently begun to manifest. Seek professional help as soon as possible so that you can begin managing and treating it as early as possible before it impacts your life even more severely than it already has.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:27:51
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