I don't belong in this world... does anyone else feel the same way?

2014-09-12 2:14 pm
I don't have it in me to commit suicide. First of all, I attempted suicide a while back and someone stopped me from doing it, and I regret it so much now. Furthermore, I don't know if death would solve anything! It's just that this pain, this feeling of being estranged from where I truly belong (wherever that is), won't go away.

This will come across as immature, I know, but I play video games and read fantasy stories. I can't commit suicide and can't stand the pain of being alone in the world and my head is the only place left to escape. Well, I know this sounds mental, but sometimes I read about these fictional worlds and feel a sense of familiarity, even though they are fictional I feel a longing to be there and not here. Just a longing to go away to one of those places and this sense that my true home is somewhere else. I know it's probably an unhealthy obsession but I can't help it. Like for example, my favorite video game is Kings Quest 6, and I keep wishing that the realm of Daventry was real and I have this longing to go there because I feel like I belong there. That's also happened when I read books like LOTR or Narnia or various others. Or even watched Disney or Don Bluth films. Sometimes I imagine that I'm an OC for those made up worlds and make up stories in my mind.

I am aware that I come across as crazy but I wonder if other people have similar feelings.
Is this more common than I think?

回答 (9)

2014-09-16 5:40 am
I'm always stunned that people like us think they're alone. Renaissance Faires. Comic Con (Faerie Con, Dragon Con, ANY Con...), Labyrinth of Jareth......visited by kabillions of people year round. You're an escapist fantasy lover. We are everywhere. And preferring the fantasy world to reality seems a completely normal thing, considering the sh!t sandwich it all is.
How is it that you know no others personally to share what should be a FUN thing with? You need to put your energy into finding like-minded others. There are even geek dating sites, and they have platonic on-line meet ups (Soulgeek.com, geek 2 geek, both have non-dating areas for like-minds who just want to mentally hook up and discuss whatever.
And if you ever see a gathering in your area for whatever you're into, GO if you can. Don't sit and wait for things....make them happen and you'll be a lot happier. This world, it's full of people JUST LIKE YOU, you just haven't found them... Yet.
2014-09-12 3:56 pm
I feel the same way as you do, funny story, I my 1st attempt (out of 16) was with a potato peeler! lol, but still, I fantasise a lot as well, and I sometimes try to believe that I actually have FRIENDS, I sometimes believe it's true, I end up playing TES 5 skyrim or TES 4 oblivion for most of the time at home. just remember:

you're not alone in life, you're never alone. its kept me going for the past 8 years (I'm 15 btw)
2014-09-12 3:01 pm
ever scince I was 16/17, & its even more so now lol for so many reasons. You gotta remember your better than these shits. The average person is a moron/sheep fallowing the heard...we as higher beings cant help but feel down n depressed around them. So of course we escape!!! I'm the GRANDMASTER of escape lol....movies/music/video games IM THERE.....'The elder scrolls' I lost over a year of my life on every nite 5/6/7 hours that was my WORLD I nearly cried when my dark elf hired sword died lol...i do it all the time. I have alternate universes i go to all the time...one where im a famous movie director/a famous race car driver/a ufc fighter/I love to think most about a beautiful angel that walks her dog on my local park I incorperate her into all my universes...ITS A BLESSING REALLY that people like us have such good imaginations to be able to esape.
I can think about a movie for months if i liked it...the characters, how they are doing now, how i would love to help them (like wtf its a movie lol)
There are others like us...just remember its all just a game might as well enjoy the 'earthly pleasures' there are lots!!!!
Remember, it gets easier & funnier as time passes (learn to laugh at yourself i do ALL THE TIME!!)
2014-09-12 2:29 pm
I forgot the term for this but it's not too uncommon. I too feel a longing to go home to a place that doesn't exist. Two things have helped. The first is that I've tried to be successful and make this life as good as I can. The more fun I'm having in the real world the less I long for one that doesn't exist. And there's a million ways you can go about this but feel free to ask for ideas.
Second is LARP! Live action role play has been the best outlet. Making weapons and armor during the week keeps my mind occupied. And running through the woods and defending the fort from monsters just really makes me feel like I'm somewhere else. There may be a group in your area that does this. My best friend and I started one from scratch, gathered all our odd ball friends, posted our info on web forums, and it's been going well so far.
2014-09-12 2:27 pm
It is very common to fantasize.
Even to the degree that you do.
You just need to find your place in the world.
2014-09-12 3:48 pm
There is no place in the world for anyone. you think your purpose finding in video games is delusional? imagine all the people who think they have a purpose being a doctor so they can make money, save lives, and die. well the money they make all blows away in the wind when they die, and the lives they saved will be taken in the end anyways. point is this life is pointless no matter what you do with it. The best you can do is enjoy it if you can. We like video games because its at least more interesting than real life. It absorbs time and focus. gives us a life worth living... for a while, but like everything else it eventually fades away.
參考: Source: I am a major video game lover, philosopher, have knowledge on many vastly different religions.
2014-09-12 2:54 pm
don't think too much.
It is ok to like disney movies and such
and you do belong in this world. there's a world exists waiting for you already...it's in your heart. hope this helps
2014-09-12 2:40 pm
I know that you don't belong in hell, therefore do not do suicide. our god would not
like this. go to a Methodist church, talk with the minister. read the new testament
in the bible. pray to Jesus Christ, he loves you and will help you. you are in the right place
now, just get your priorities straight.
2014-09-12 2:21 pm
when death is waiting for us in short time, why do we need to suicide?Suicide ,when you have to live in this world thousands of years!

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