what is the meaning of life? what is the goal of life?

2014-09-12 8:36 am
do you believe in abortion? why does everyone think it is beautiful to be skinny? why were humans put on this earth? what am i supposed to do for a living? how do you be truely happy? are you happy? why are humans so superior to the rest of the animals? why cant i sleep?

回答 (8)

2014-09-12 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are Christian, the meaning of life is to follow Jesus and help as many people as you can. Even if you are of another religion, helping people is the basic idea for life. Don't be selfish, and help others, etc. If you help people, maybe you'll find true happiness. If you are Christian, true happiness comes with following Jesus. He'll be your best friend and help you go through everything. As for abortion, I don't believe in it, because the Bible says don't kill, and I feel like the fact that millions of un-born humans are being killed isn't going to be so helpful in the future. We're helping our own species go extinct early! Skinniness isn't necessarily beautiful. People who think that are most likely stupid. But being healthy is important, and being overweight can lead to health problems, just like being anorexic can. Just be who you are, and be healthy, no matter what your size. As for the animal thing, I don't really think humans are superior to animals at all. The Bible says that Adam (human) was the ruler of all animals, so I believe that's true, because of our intelligence. But animals don't have wars over stupid issues and they live a more simpler lifestyle. They also don't have bad characteristics such as racism or crime, as far as I see. I love animals, so I most of the time think they're better than humans! Hope this helps!
2014-09-12 9:19 am
What are you, 4? Give me a break.
2014-09-12 12:19 pm
Getting and putting. Think about it.

When you're a baby you get things and put them in your mouth. When you learn how to crawl you're excited because you can do more getting and putting (often to your parents' dismay). As you grow, you become more sophisticated about getting and putting and you learn to put your toys in your toy box.

Every day you're getting things and putting them places for all your waking hours. Then you go to school and spend years getting facts and putting them in your brain, and getting a pencil and putting your answers on the paper. You know you've arrived when you finally get a a graduation gown, and again when you get a car and put it in your driveway and get money and put it in the bank. You're in heaven when you get your true love and finally put that wedding ring on them. At home you get and put for yourself and at work you get and put for your boss. When you're sick in bed you're frustrated because you can't get and put. When you retire you're happy because now you don't need to get and put for a boss anymore. When you get really old and decrepit, other people have to do your getting and putting for you.

So obviously, the meaning of life is getting and putting.

Bet you didn't see that one coming.
2014-09-12 2:31 pm
the meaning of life is the creation of everything. (everything is made with different energy and frequencies)
the goal of life is to find yourself, find harmony and find your true purpose on earth.
2014-09-12 2:01 pm
Life has as much meaning as you wish to give it.
2014-09-12 1:41 pm
Well since everyone I know is dieing off prematurely or from accidents, I'd have to say that the meaning of life is to cure death and become like our creator god.

Created in his image. If they eat from the tree of knowledge they will become like us.

Clearly our creators didnt want man to have immortality. But its coming. Either god will return to stop his creation or his creation will become him/them

As for now you must use your brain to perfect your diet, exercise, and safety on earth to avoid dieases and accidental/homicidal events you might face in life. Last long enough for technology to catch up. Or become aggressive and us your mind to become wealthy and accelerate technology to end human suffering.
2014-09-12 10:46 am
We're all searching for ourselves, all out there in where things get traded, the market, gossip, services and governance.
Go, do what you want, it's a free country and it's an open society. You are only limited by your imagination. Peel away your layers of hidden traits. Be vulnerable. Love your neighbor.
2014-09-12 8:41 am
To be truly happy you must first be happy within yourself. To know the meaning of life you must first awaken from this state you are in now and all will make sense. Who said humans were more superior than animals, humans just take advantage that doesn't make them more superior.

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