
2014-09-13 12:43 am
我係八月九日收到Tom 封信,咁我係九月十曰將封信俾Mary 參考,Mary 係九月十一日將封信俾返我,咁我係九月十一日同Tom 講"I received your letter on 10th
September 2014." lee 句tense 有無用錯。

回答 (4)

2014-09-13 6:56 pm
我係九月十一日同Tom 講
"I received your letter on 10th
September 2014."
lee 句tense 有無用錯。
Absolutely Correct !!!
** when the date is specified, use only Past Tense!!!
2014-09-13 9:52 am
Dustin 講得有道理~
2014-09-13 9:35 am
Don't worry about the tense of your sentence any more!!!

More important, pay attention to your sanity when speaking.
2014-09-13 1:29 am
The perfect tense is the form of a verb that expresses actions of receiving letter completed by the present=present perfect tense=have received:-
eg:-Susan said to Tom:-"
(=I received your letter on 10th inst.)
I've received your letter on Sept8
been given to Mary Sept10
been returned to me, and
been talking to you same date Sept11.
In this (lee) way part of the verb have and the past participle of the main verb is present perfect .

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