Is the Samsung Galaxy S5 phone any good? Thanks :)?

2014-09-11 4:07 pm

回答 (1)

2014-09-12 12:59 pm
You will ALWAYS no matter what go into a Verizon store or a Best Buy and they will try their hardest to convince you it's the best phone out there. Quality of phones is very opinionated.

However, I know people that have purchased the S5 and as much as you probably don't want to hear this, the iPhone is better. Commercials and ads and people will tell you how much better the functionality on some of the Android phones are, but Androids freeze, restart and have numerous problems all the time.

iPhones for some odd reason don't glitch or freeze as much as an Android phone does, especially the S5. I'm not saying the Samsung isn't a good phone but it's something to consider. Not sure how Blackberrys or Windows phones are but those are becoming outdated (especially Blackberry)
參考: Work at Sprint

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:28:40
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