
2014-09-12 5:31 am

回答 (4)

2014-09-12 8:30 am
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Thinner is a substance that is pungent smelling that is added to paint,or vanish, etc. to make it less thick.
The sale of paint is thick;
To make it less thick eg:-80%-70% thinner substance has to be added to suit the particular purpose for the painting.

2014-09-13 14:50:39 補充:
2014-09-13 3:12 pm
thin(adj) - of relatively low density or viscosity
thin(verb)- To make or become thin(adj)
thinner(noun)-A liquid, such as turpentine, mixed with paint or varnish to reduce its viscosity and make it easier to apply

2014-09-13 07:14:10 補充:
thinner(noun)-A liquid, such as turpentine, mixed with paint or varnish to thin it (reduce its viscosity and make it easier to apply)
"Thin" is such an interesting and versatile word.
2014-09-13 11:25 am
THINNER 這個字源自 thin (形容詞) = 稀的, 薄的

英語形容詞有比較級 (comparative) 和最高級 (superlative)

Thin (形容詞) = 稀的, 薄的
Thinner (比較級形容詞) = 比較稀的, 比較薄的
Thinnest (最高級形容詞) = 最稀的, 最薄的

描述事物時, 可用比較級形容詞 (comparative adjective) 說明某事物比另一事物更具某種屬性

比較級通常形容詞加詞尾 “+er”, 某些字前面加 “more”
hard – harder, small - smaller
beautiful – more beautiful, interesting – more interesting
thin - thinner
例外的, good – better, bad – worse

thinner 除了是 thin 的比較級形容詞, 還有一解釋, 做名詞

Thinner (不可數名詞 uncountable noun) = 使變稀薄者;稀釋劑
天拿水是英文 " thinner" 的音譯
- 是無色透明易挥發的液體,微溶于水,能溶于各種有機溶劑,易燃,主要用作喷漆的溶劑

paint thinner (油漆稀釋劑/液)
- a liquid such as turpentine (松節油) that you add to paint to make it less thick

購買一罐油漆, 顏料, 是濃, 是厚, 是黏滯的, 黏性的 (very viscous)
通常使用天拿水 (Thinner), 添加到油漆中, 溝混一起, 使液體變稀薄, 溝稀些, 容易方便油漆
~ make the paint thinner (i.e. less thick, less sticky, less viscous)

參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2014-09-12 6:29 am

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