
2014-09-11 9:43 am
以前會考得中文, 數學合格. 放底左中學野好耐想考番dse, 想入中大Religious Studies, 有冇人幫到我, 總之要入中大Religious Studies, 我要點做先可以!

回答 (3)

2014-09-11 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your situation is simple - you have no qualification for higher education. So generating a qualification is what you need. You have 2 following choices:

1. Forget your HKCEE result and take HKDSE (all subjects apply to you).

2. Start at OUHK and see if you can transfer to CUHk via non-JUPAS.

2014-09-11 5:06 pm
2014-09-11 9:50 am
you have many plans:
1. take DSE:
中文: 補YY LAM
英文+LS: read news
maths: do more exercise
elective: i dunno which elective u choose, but "diligence brings success", do more practice.

2. 如果你而家起U,讀緊其他科
you can finish your subject first, then 再trans 去religious studies, 睇佢approve 唔 approve.


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