對英文煩惱. 有人可以幫幫助

2014-09-10 11:05 pm
現在完成式 說明從過去到現在
How long have the game begun
how long have you begun to study english
為何begun to study 改為been
3.be是什麼意思 為何通常放在中間 經常在什麼情況下
才使用 是否句子沒有動詞才使用?
have you ever been in love?
you must always be careful
the rich 所有有錢人
5.形容詞三種用法 adj+n be+adj something/nothing/anything+adj
哪為何我看到一本書 它是這樣寫的
I find it difficult to take to people who....
difficult=adj 為何這句子都沒出現形容詞的三種用法

回答 (4)

2014-09-11 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
How long have the game begun

不可以! 因為意義上begin這詞是一個定點(single time)而不是一段時間(並且必定是過去了),所以假如用begin作為動詞問便要按這動詞意義的問法
When was the game began?由於game是死物,句式可以是被動式地問。
When did the game begin?

How long has the game been playing/(或running)?

how long have you begun to study english [這句本身是錯的...所以不妥]
為何begun to study 改為been
[不可能這樣改的: How long have you been English?]???
你的意思是否: How long have you been studying English?
這會是一般英語人問對方學了英文多久的問法,是問對方一個時段,所以假設是對方由某一時間開始have been studying至今仍繼續著。

3.be是什麼意思 [be是is/are的原形動詞樣子/意思="是/係"。
為何通常放在中間 經常在什麼情況下 [看來放在中間是因為它要配合句子寫法次序規則的前後字來設定位置]
才使用 是否句子沒有動詞才使用? [不是沒有動詞,它本身就是動詞/是有其本身意思/作用的]
have you ever been in love?
問你(you)曾(have)否(ever)真係有(been)戀愛(in love)
you must always be careful

the rich 所有有錢人

5.形容詞三種用法 adj+n be+adj something/nothing/anything+adj
哪為何我看到一本書 它是這樣寫的
I find it difficult to take to people who....
difficult=adj 為何這句子都沒出現形容詞的三種用法
我看到這句= something(it) + adj(difficult)
而it則指後面的=to "talk" to people....
這句式不是形容一樣死物或單一物件(n.):It is a difficult "task".
又不是形容一種單一情況: It is difficult to live alone.
2014-09-11 11:41 am
Jenkin has done well in his answer.

補充 (1)
遊戲開始了多久 ? (using the verb "begin")

a. expecting answer in terms of duration
How long has it been since the game began?
How long since the game began?

b. expecting answer in terms of time
When did the game begin? 遊戲幾時開始
The game began at ...

2014-09-11 03:44:57 補充:
補充 (2)
How long have you studied English?


2014-09-11 03:53:43 補充:
補充 (3)
"find" 其中一個解釋 (Oxford Dictionary)
5 [transitive] to have a particular feeling or opinion about something
結構 find something + adjective
例 You may find your illness hard to accept.

2014-09-11 04:06:53 補充:
補充 (3)
I find it difficult to take to people.

"difficult" 是形容詞,正你所如說的第三種用法 something + adj.

It modifies the object (to take to people) of "find". (also called object complement)

"it" is a pronoun replacing the delaying object at the end of sentence.

2014-09-11 04:54:24 補充:
對不起,上面是補充 (5)
現在才是補充 (3)

be是什麼意思? 是否句子沒有"動詞"才使用?

be 除了作為助動詞外,它是一種狀態動詞 (state verb),
1. linking verb 連系動詞,連系名詞或形容詞到句子的主語。
2. intransitive verb 意思是 存在 (exist)

句子不一定要有 動作動詞 (action verb).

2014-09-11 05:26:01 補充:
補充 (4)

性狀形容詞(Qualifying adjective), 此類詞用於敍述人或事物的性質或狀態等。

全體 當然不能 放在句首!

Only a few adjectives that can be used as collective noun.
the rich (not the riches)
the poor
the intelligent
the old
the young
the meek

2014-09-11 06:41:44 補充:
補充 (5) 你應該打錯字 (talk not take)

I find it difficult to talk to people who ....
2014-09-11 1:43 am
Being the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present
(present perfect)
past (past perfect)
future(future perfect)
as in He has gone
He had gone
He will have gone.
(1)How often:-How often (has) the game begun?
eg +etc. an hour ago.
(2)How long have you (been studing) English?
=I've been studying English since(Present Perfect Progressive etc.)
(3)Have you ever (been) in love ?
and failed ?
ever=adverb,negative, conditional structure, at any time.
You must always (be) careful.
=always trying to be
=you do it whenever...
(4)As subject:-
The rich have been travelling (all the year around the world.)
The rich have been spending as a big spender.
(5)difficult adjective=not easy=eg:-I find it difficult to take to people who (is English)
=understand or deal with;hard to do;
=English is difficult for me
=English is a difficult language for me,that is.(adj+n)
eg:-It was a difficult choice to take(adj+n)
=It was a difficult choice to take to people...(adj+n again)..
=It was difficult (for me) to decide which English to take?(be+adj)
(of people)hard to deal with;not easy to please;Obstinate People.
a difficult people;(adj+n)
They are just being difficult=full of problems;causing unhappiness=(be+adj)
eg:-The education system has been going through (a difficult time) owing to cut in seating for Mainland childs /students.!(=adj+n)
eg:-The angry HK employers did their best to make life difficult for Filipino maids(=cause problems for her and hurt her.)(=something,anything+adj)
2014-09-11 1:18 am
1. No.

It should be "How long has the game begun?"

2. Past Continuous Tense.

You did not stop studying English.

3. No meaning. It is a dummy verb.

A sentence is not complete without a verb. For example, I am a boy. Am, as another form of be, is the verb of the sentence.

4. Yes. By the way, it is "the riches". (You have more than 1 rich person.)

5. Not sure - I don't know which book you are referring.

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