my boyfriend called me chubby before sex?

2014-09-07 7:05 pm
Basically I'm 27 boyfriend is 28. He hasn't had a relationship for years and has no tact when it comes to women. Hes a great guy but a geek and just blurts out random stuff. He can be amazingly sweet then sometimes as we are joking around with each other he crosses the line. He seems to feel so bad after which makes me think it's not intentional. It's taken me a bit to adjust. However, one night before sex we are naked and play fighting and he says "come here my chubby chubby girl". That really upset me so I told him to leave. He says he doesn't even think that and loves my bod. I'm 36d -27-39 so I'm not stick thin I do have thick thighs, butt and hips. I've like having curves and always had gus that like them too. My boyfriend has also called me thunder thighs, tree trunks, pointed out my cellulite etc. He says he loves my bod all the time, calls me beautiful etc alot but these negative words are actually giving me a hang up now about my bod. I've caught him checking out women before and they've been very slim. I've told him if he can't accept me for me then f off pretty much. He doesn't seem like a manipulator like hes lowering my self esteem on purpose but I got hurt bad in myprevious relationship so iI'm more wary. What do you think?

回答 (6)

2014-09-07 8:34 pm
You're right. He's tactless. Next time, ask him why he is so tactless and offensive.

27 inch waist sounds really nice.

He called you chubby and you told him to leave! That's a good one! Doesn't he get it?
2014-09-08 1:13 am
I wonder why a young girl would tolerate name-calling, criticism and being judged by some idiotic guy- and calls him a boyfriend, no less?!

He would have been eating my dust long ago.
2014-09-07 8:37 pm
It could be that he is insecure so he is projecting it onto you. If he makes you feel insecure then he has power.

I would reply "you're not so attractive yourself" and smile sweetly. See how he responds to that.
2014-09-07 7:37 pm
Since you two like to joke and play let him know that jokes and comments about your weight and body are not ok at any time. He probably does like your body but he may not be used to a curvy girl and doesn't realize chubby/fat is not the same as curvy and shapely. He just needs to be reminded that you have your sensitive areas, and I'm sure he has some, that need to be respected.
2014-11-13 8:09 pm
wow, sexy measurements!
2014-09-08 1:56 pm
youre very beautiful from what i see in your picture and your curvyand shapely.most women would kill to look like you.hes trying to tear you down because he knows you can do better than him.hes insecure over the fat guys notice you and hes trying to tear down your confidence so you cant leave him.hes a geek and your a hottie and he sees your out of his ex was like that with me even though other people told me i was thin.i ended up leaving him and i lost some weight.when he saw the new me and he knew i wouldnt take him back he felt like a giant loser.leaving him would be the best revenge.if you listen to him your might end up with an eating disorder because i lad anorexia because i was dumb enough to listen to my ex.real men dont act like that are you deserve better.youre too beautiful to waste your youth on a socially akward loser.

tell his if he thinks your fat them then he sounds like hes into little curvy myself too.hes not used to curvy women and his exes look like little boys or crackwhores.

a 27 inch waist isnt fat.

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