
2014-09-08 5:47 am

回答 (3)

2014-09-08 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is no.

1. If your concern is valid, banks will hesitate even more to mortgage approval as structural issues can happen before the mortgage matures.

2. People move. It is rare if you still can find an original owner in these developments.

In fact, many mortgage ends before it is matured.
2014-09-08 6:16 am
2014-09-08 6:15 am
一橦樓會否成為危樓, 是基於起樓既物料質量, 和之後既保養維修. 視乎管理公司和業主們有否盡其責任. 買樓, 其實每年都要預多少少錢做儲備做長遠既保養維修.

我諗只有測量師, 檢樓師, 工程師, 至可以答到你三十年後既事.

不過, 美孚既地理位置, 如果要重建, 都會有一個收價, 所以不會一無所有.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:25:10
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