ing 和 ed 問題

2014-09-07 10:08 pm
This also worked for me!
這句為甚麼要用 worked 用work不行??

同埋好似working hour 咁
其實我用the hour of the work (工作的時間) 咁樣點解唔得??

They urged on us the need for cooperation.

need for speed

need for 究境是甚麼用法??

回答 (3)

2014-09-08 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. This also worked for me!

用 worked,因為係“過去式”
用 work 不行,因為"現在式"動詞要複數(+s) ~works

2. working hour (複合名詞)

名詞 + 名詞
working 係名詞,或稱為動名詞(gerund)

working hour 工作時間 = work-hour = any of the hours of a day during which work is done

用 the hour of the work (工作的時間) 唔得
因為,the hour of the work = the work's hour = the hour belongs to the work (解不通!)

Other examples:
swimming suit = the suit used for "swimming" (gerund)
dancing teacher = the teacher who teaches "dancing" (gerund) 重音放在前

dancing teacher = the teacher who is dancing (present participle) 重音放在後

3. They urged on us the need for cooperation. 同 need for speed
need for 究境是甚麼用法??

the need for xxx = 對 xxx 的需要/需求

the need for cooperation = 對 合作 的需要
the need for speed = 對 速度 的需求
2014-09-08 12:05 am
working hour 果個 working 唔係動詞,

2014-09-07 16:09:21 補充:
This also worked for me!
這句為甚麼要用 worked 用work不行??
用 worked, 即係話 我曾經用過, 得嘅。
如用 works (用 work 唔岩),
即係話我一向如此使用/應用, 無問題, ok 嘅。

2014-09-07 16:11:27 補充:
同埋好似working hour 咁
其實我用the hour of the work (工作的時間) 咁樣點解唔得??
working hour......重點講時間
hour of the work........重點講工作
2014-09-07 10:12 pm
> 這句為甚麼要用 worked 用work不行??

因為 this 是單數 (singular) 你要用 works 才行。

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