
2014-09-07 9:28 pm
你喜不喜歡寵物的英文作文 70-80字

回答 (4)

2014-09-08 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like pet becase they are cute.I ike dog becase it is loyal.They help us to look our home. They are helpful.They make you happy when you are unhappy...


2014-09-11 19:19:54 補充:
寵物比你啲感覺係咩 忠誠? 可愛? 聽話? 兇惡? 麻煩? .... 你可以從中寫你有冇養寵物? 你喜歡/不喜歡寵物的原因.

Above these reson.I love/hate pet.
參考: 我
2014-09-08 5:49 am
Title: Do you like pets or not?

I like pets so much. There are reasons for me to like them.

Firstly, most of them are small which is easy to be handled. We just need a corner at our flat to keep them.

Secondly, they know how to forgive. They usually don't hurt us back even we treated them bad before.


Therefore, I like pets.

試下自己作埋空格位置 la XD
參考: My brain :)
2014-09-08 12:01 am
I like 作文, very interesting.
2014-09-07 9:47 pm
I do not like

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