How to find happy from the inside, not the outer world?

2014-09-06 8:50 am
I know the answer is already within me, but I need to know how to find true happiness.
what can I do with my daily habits to be happy? I know happiness is a way of "being", but how can I truly find the things that I love to do? Life doesn't have to be stuck in a cycle that doesn't bring happiness. I want to start controlling what I do instead of allowing the circumstances to control me which is unhappy. I believe I need to take responsibility for my own happiness,trying it out myself. Is there a way to prosperity, success, and wealth, coming from my inner soul? Thanks

回答 (10)

2014-09-06 8:58 am
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couple ways work pretty good, first way is a book by Sonaya Roman called "Soul Love", its really good and will help you find inner peace, other way is to find the higher power, Like Jesus and the creators archangels, or the religeon that you choose.. eventually you will find the higher power though if you keep searching for your inner peace..
2014-09-06 9:39 pm
Happiness requires two things - one we can do ourselves, the other we need someone else. Happiness requires 1) an authentic loving relationship with at least one other person (not god, cats, yoga, philosophy, or anything else like that) and 2) decent behavior. We must behave decently.

It's quite a specific formula. That's it.
2014-09-06 8:40 pm
It seems to me that finding what you like doing requires trying many things (until you discover what you like), the only other options being revelation (in which I don't believe).
2014-09-06 4:05 pm
your question held the answer too for you.
Good luck smiles and hugs for you
2014-09-06 7:20 pm
“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
2014-09-06 4:55 pm
1) Manage your desire and do not allow your desire to manage you. We all have desires and desire in and of itself is not bad... its when we attach out happiness to a desire that the potential for unhappiness happens. A book could be written on this subject but for some basic info on desire and its effect on us do some reading on Buddhism and philosophy.

2) Find your moral center. Do not base right and wrong on popular opinion. Dig until you find the base of your morality then stand upon it regardless of what others think. Again a study of philosophy can be of great help here. In studying philosophy, do not look for what to think... look to understand why you think in the way that you do.
2014-09-07 1:32 am
I believe you. Happiness can be from the inner-self. We need to teach it to ourselves. Along the way we may choose the 'right person', right job, right stuff. We need to learn to let go and build our character. We need good habits. We need to slow down and rest and relax, exercise and be the best we can be. There is a lot of hard work involved with being a student of happiness. I suggest a good book and the willingness to practice the principles in all your affairs. Try doing it with liked minded people. Try to do a little each day. Keep it simple and manageable. Good luck.
參考: Epictetus: Discourses and Other Writings.
2014-09-06 7:18 pm
First of all you must know a secret that happiness itself is a spirit. People possessed by this spirit shall feel happy always and even without reason. There are many ways to have this spirit. But you must know the art of eviting the negative forces. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. The spirits of a man compete with each other to dominate a person in a higher level. That's why certain feelings of a man are higher than the other and reach it's peak until it's replaced by another. A little effort is enough to make a spirit to possess. Then it will find it's way itself to possess and dominate you completely. You may choose anything but you must choose always good things to keep yourself happy. That's long lasting and good.

Don't think yourself more than what you are and don't spend more than what you have. Don't give room to pride and fake prestige. Be contented with what you have. Be good. Give respect to moral and justice. Think both positive and negative sides of each and keep only positive things in your mind. Believe that there is a future to everyone and you too. Engage yourself often in happy occassions. Feel happy in helping others. Gradually you will find how you are possessed by the spirit of happiness.
2014-09-06 5:26 pm
Knowing something, it cannot be taken from you. Know that which you know, and be curious about that which you don't know.
If you know that you control your happiness, then know it. If you don't know that, then continue to be curious about it.
You accept the words you've been taught, now you must journey to understand their meaning. Continue that and you will find the how and the why of it.
2014-09-06 5:23 pm
Look within. Believe, love, trust and take care of self first and always.

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