
2014-09-06 11:16 pm
job candidate 是什麼意思?

不好意思還有 work experience health insurance recruitment 這三個的英文造句和造句中文

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2014-09-06 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
candidate 一般泛指 "候選人、候補者";但在職場上這代表 "求職應徵者" 的意思。

而 job candidate 通常指正被老闆考慮列入雇用人選的應徵者、最佳人選/求職候選者。這種情況下一般都是已經拿到求職面試,而且符合雇主求職條件的階段了。

參考句子 + 中文:

During job interviews it is important for you to provide specific reasons that you will be the ideal job candidate and employee.

All employers have high expectations for job candidates, so make sure you prepare your interviews well.


2014-09-06 18:31:08 補充:
work experience - 工作經驗

It's always hard to get your first job because of the lack of experience. 缺乏工作經驗總是讓第一份工作特別難找。

health insurance - 健康保險
I need to take care a good care of myself as I cannot afford health insurance at this stage. 我現在無法額外保健康保險, 所以真的要好好照顧自己的身體。

2014-09-06 18:32:19 補充:
recruitment - 招募
There will be intense competition due to one opening for recruitment. 公司這次只招考一個職員,求職競爭一定很激烈。
參考: 吉祥月

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:37:42
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