Are mums annuals or perennials?

2014-09-05 6:59 pm

回答 (1)

2014-09-05 9:05 pm
both Some people buy them for fall and when they are done flowering and get brown MOST people toss them I do not I plant them they do very well for 3 to 5 years then they start to get a little thin I buy mine in a container for decoration when they stop Flowering I plant them Dead head them ( nip off spent flowers ) give them a good drink of water with MIRICLE GROW ( follow mixing directions ) by mid winter the stems and leaves try up I cut them back to 3 inches and let them be In spring they start growing stwms and leaves I then re fertlize with Miricle grow and by September they are full and starting to Bud and Flower Good luck

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