What are you thinking about Jehovah’s Witnesses ?

2014-09-05 10:58 am

回答 (17)

2014-09-05 4:33 pm
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I love my brothers and sisters worldwide in 236 lands
2014-09-05 12:56 pm
Only they obey the Bible and are the one true Christians today.

The best thing anyone could do is to study the Bible with us. Ignorance is no shining accessory to have. We teach what the Bible really teaches on the basic truths of the Bible. Then one is free to decide what is next.

It could be that some rush to rebury their heads in the dirt, out of fear. Others are more normal and desire to learn the deeper Truths if the Bible. Just as children progress from milk to solid food.

We have that in great abundance! Wear out your Bible's finding Truths for yourselves. No longer just taking the clergymen's word for , anything.

Do none of you understand if you pay clergy to preach what pleases you, that you get only lies? Quickly they see their in c.f. one US tied to how they make you feel. Truths :(ave nothing to do in their decisions. Money and praise is everything.

None of Jehovah's Witnesses are ever paid for their ministry in obedience to Jesus and Paul. There is no clergy, in line with 1st century Christian directions. In line with all the Bible, our Leader is Jesus. He leads us in the worship of ONLY JEHOVAH GOD.

We do the work God's will has directed be done today. The public ministry, reaching every person on Earth.
2014-09-05 11:00 am
the ones I know are lovely people, and very much in line with the teachings of Jesus.
2014-09-05 1:08 pm
They are all loving and caring, and I am glad that my wife and I have over 8,000,OOO as our brothers and sisters as our spiritual family united in the worship of the only true God Jehovah. To learn about Jehovah, what he has done, is doing and going to do very soon now by means of his kingdom government with Jesus Christ as his appointed king and 144,000 co-rulers, ask the next Jehovah's Witnesses that call or ask via http://jw.org Have a great day.
2014-09-05 12:36 pm
They are witnesses to the truth. You know, like when you have to witness in court. They testify to the truth for God. His word is truth.
2014-09-05 3:25 pm
They're tops.
2014-09-05 3:51 pm
Why don't you come and visit us at your local Kingdom Hall. And find out for yourself that we are a simple and ordinary people that strive to practice what we preach. John 4:24 - 13:35
2014-09-06 8:59 am
They currently have put away their bibles in favor of promoting their new internet site. It is an idol to them. Just try to find a question associated with the Watchtower that doesn't contain multiple links to their webpage.

Then they condemn Christians who are pointing people towards the bible for their answers.
2014-09-06 12:58 am
An organization that preaches the End of the World and that Heaven is only 144,000 JWs. The rest of the JWs will live in heaven on Earth.

Funny thing is that ALL of the end of the world dates have been wrong, They have came and gone.

JW are anti word made flesh Christ the word made Flesh See John Chapter 1
JW are anti cross Christ passion
JW are anti Christmas Christ Nativity
JW are anti Easter Christ Resurrection
JW are anti service of Christ ( no JW Hospitals, Orphanages, Soup Kitchens, help the poor organizations)

Anti -Christ.
2014-09-06 2:58 pm
Isaiah 43:10
YHWH said:
“You are my witnesses,”+ declares YHWH, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen,+ So that you may know and have faith in me* And understand that I am the same One.+ Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none.+

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