
2014-09-06 7:37 am

回答 (6)

2014-09-07 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Angellike - resembling an angel 似天使的Artlike - resembling art , characteristic of art有藝術性的

2014-09-06 21:17:42 補充:
TOMING88, you are an ass-kicking positive person!. LOL
So you would also think Lingling*s "alike,alkaline, askew, awake awkward"ly positive too, wouldn't you?
參考: http://www.the freedictionary.com/Angellike http://en.wik tionary.org/wiki/artlike
2014-09-07 8:11 am
acknowlegeable (adj.) = capable of being acknowledged.

Marriam-Webster, Collins, Oxford

"The online university has made it very easy for business professionals to earn a reputed and widely acknowledgeable degree from the comfort of their home or office."
~ from Oxford Dict.

2014-09-07 06:07:53 補充:
假設 awake 是正面,
請問反義字 asleep 是否 negative (負面) ?

ass-kicking 是正面形容詞?

It is sad to see people churning out such gibberish!
2014-09-06 7:32 pm
alike - adj, adv(not before a noun) very similar; the same way

alkaline- adj, chemical substance that can burn skin with it is dissolved in water, ph value over 7 till 14

askew - adv, adj.(not before a noun) not in a straight or level position

awake- ask (not before a noun)not sleeping. e.g. i was sleepy this morning but i'm wide awake now.

awkward - adj, difficult to deal with

****Hope its useful :)
參考: myself, oxford dictionary
2014-09-06 6:32 pm
We are winning to stay awake(adj).
We are ass-kicking(adj) onto horsebacks.
2014-09-06 3:47 pm
awaked 5 係正面既形容詞,, 都不是個形容詞,,係個動詞,,,
2014-09-06 3:34 pm

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