2014-09-04 9:06 pm
In 2011 I saw on youtube the 51 delegates interview: "Should evolution be taught in school?"
So I discoverd lots of americans actually believe in the biblical creation. Here in Europe religious people don't even know what creation is. I mean, you read it in the bible, but it is like the Jesus walking on the water thing, just a metaphor. When in 2011 I discovered what the theory of creation is, I have done my researches and discovered that in Europe it is forbidden for creationism to be taught. It can be just mentioned in religious classes which, of course, are not mandatory.

So my question is: is creation taught in american schools and evolution is not? Or are they both taught?
What is the real situation? (I am asking about public schools).


P.S. Catholic Church supports evolution.

回答 (10)

2014-09-04 9:11 pm
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Officially, only science is supposed to be taught.

Unofficially, a lot of heavily religious districts ignore the standards and teach whatever they want. Sometimes they hire creationists to teach biology. Sometimes a new biology teacher comes in, starts to teach the state standards, and soon has a bunch of enraged fundie parents harassing her. A few years ago I asked some kids from the Bible Belt what they learned about evolution in school. In some cases, the teacher said, "I'm supposed to teach you this but I don't believe it and I won't test you on it." Sometimes they got some brief biographical information about Darwin rather than any science. In one case, on the day that was supposed to be devoted to covering evolution the teacher announced a surprise ice cream party and never did cover the subject.
2014-09-05 11:25 am
School is for education not indoctrination!

It was not too long back when schools taught comparative religions giving a fair appraisal of many religions and at that time prayer was also used. Then the Christians demanded that only Christianity be taught and as everyone knows that is against the constitution so religion and prayer were removed!

ALL Schools are required to teach evolution!

It is only the extremist sects and cults that demand indoctrination and that is vehemently opposed by the Christian churches!

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Nice that Christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy Christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!
2014-09-04 9:22 pm
The National Center for Science Education found, of Americans in the twelve largest Christian denominations, at least 77% belong to churches that support evolution education.

In mainstream Christian private schools, and most public schools, evolution is taught as the science it is. Unfortunately, in some rural, southern districts, the public school science teachers are pressured NOT to teach evolution. Inherit the Wind is a famous novel about the Scopes Trial in which a teacher was fired for teaching evolution. An interesting read, and it will give you insight into the minds of these people who still think the same way. Sad, but interesting.

FYI... creationist views (biblical literalism) is rejected by all of the mainstream Christian denominations, and even Orthodox Jews. Most educated Christians understand that the Bible is not a science textbook, and that Genesis offers a song of praise, a poem to the miracle of creation -- NOT a scientifically or historically accurate account. The average ten year old can readily see the obvious poetic elements, but ...well... some people don't even have the intelligence of the average ten year old.
2014-09-04 9:12 pm
I have been wondering the same thing. I live in a European country and I didn't even know creationists existed until I met some on the internet and I couldn't believe they were being serious. In my entire life I have met true creationists outside the internet only twice.
2014-09-04 9:20 pm
Evolution is almost universally taught. Some states have tried to waterdown the teaching but so far it has been unsuccessful though individual schools and teachers have taught creationism which is outside the authorized curriculum. It is embarrassing to me as an American that the vocal idiots that push such nonsense have enough voice that the rest of the world thinks we teach creationism.
2014-09-04 9:13 pm
In my public school, we learned about evolution. We didn't even discuss the idea of creationism. It was not mentioned at all because we have something called Separation of Church and State, so Church and State (like public school) are mutually exclusive. If a student was disturbed by what was being taught, they could get out of it, but no one that I know of in my whole school ever did that. And their parents didn't pull them out. I can guess two reasons...

1. Their parents believe that their children are strong enough in their faith (or they want their kids to pick their own path) that their kids can learn different theories.

2. The kids f-ing loved the teacher! He was awesome! And, of course, knowledge is power. And friends are in that class. And, to be honest, being super religious doesn't scream "friendly."
2014-09-04 9:09 pm
Evolution is taught in school, for those who choose biology. Good morrow your majesty
參考: Atheist
2014-09-05 4:42 pm
I haven't been through it firsthand. I grew up in the "Godless" Northeast. It's not so much that we have less religion than the rest of the country (most towns here have multiple places of worship), we just take the separation of church and state very seriously. That means that I was taught the standard "oversimplified but still as accurate as a high schooler can be expected to understand" version of evolution. In other words, I learned science in science class.

Students in many other school districts aren't so lucky. I think out-and-out Biblical creationism in science class is pretty rare, but it does happen sometimes. More often, bad science teachers try to "teach the controversy". It's spun as an approach that gives the facts, along with the "weaknesses" in the theory, and presents all alternatives... but in reality, it winds up being taught as "long disproved creationist talking-points" versus "an intentionally-wrong version of evolution". In other words, it's not just creationism - it's creationism plus misinformation and proactive ignorance. This tactic is essentially the same for intelligent design, only with a nonspecific creator instead of God.
2014-09-04 9:10 pm
The nature of government is to circumscribe minds and rule behind the masks of the Devils paradigms popularized with the march of Rome.

It is very probable that black and Asian looking people were the first in the world - Descendants of Noah - Canaanite tribes Japheth, Ham and Shem - This was a long time before Abraham, Ishmeal and Isaac who begat Jacob, who begat the twelve tribes, and is probably why people think homo-sapiens evolved and walked out of Africa.

Modern homo-sapien tribes descended from the Grandson Abraham.
2014-09-04 9:12 pm
Since we are failing to teach our kids basic skills like reading and math....why don't we stick to the fundamentals

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