What is the weather like in Taiwan in mid september?

2014-09-04 5:17 pm
I'm going to visit Taiwan soon for 2 weeks (from 13 sept to 27 sept.) I was wondering if Taiwan is still hot and humid or not so that I know what to pack :) Is it as hot as Vietnam? Because I'm currently living in Vietnam. I'll be visiting Kaoshiung, Tainan if that helps. Thanks in advance :)

回答 (5)

2014-09-05 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Per historical data, in Sept time in that part of Taiwan, there is 35% chance of rain, the average temperature is between 77F and 88F.

For this year, by the time you arrived at Taiwan, it will be past mid-Autumn festival day. Thus, there is very little chance that the weather will turn super hot.

Also for this year, because there was an explosion of specialty gas line in Kaohsiung, there has been problems with draining of rain water from the city. Hence there is mosquito problem. Be careful not to be bit to avoid the dangerous Dengue Fever.
2014-09-06 12:59 am
Taiwan should definitely be much more comfortable than Vietnam. High temps are currently running around 90F and cooling off gradually.

Mart and I will be here on Y!A to answer any further questions you might have regarding your visit.
2015-03-12 6:56 pm
2014-10-11 11:36 am
its usually the rain season in september.
2014-09-07 9:11 am

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