廁所水箱個窿有乜用? 個窿漏水點做?

2014-09-04 6:27 pm
廁所水箱個窿有乜用? 個窿漏水點做?

回答 (2)

2014-09-04 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案

調較水箱內入水波曲製,將水箱儲水位較低 ^^

2014-09-04 6:54 pm
1. It is a relief hole to prevent water level goes above the hole.

A controlled release of excessive water can reduce potential "disaster".

2. This indicates either 2 issues:

a. As explained above, the water level has been set too high, which needs adjustments; and/or,

b. Unlikely, but there is a structural damage near the hole. The tank may need to be replaced.

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