is there something wrong with my brain?

2014-09-04 3:29 am
At the beginning i started hearing echoing in my ears. anytime someone was speaking i heard it twice it sounded really loud. few days later it went away and all i heard was loud pitch ringing in my head it gave me headaches also made it difficult to sleep at times. now im use to the sound i learn to deal with it but sometimes it gets intense when someone is speaking they sound loud and i know they are not being loud. i find myself losing focus on things and blanking out like im not even there. im tired all the time. i get lightheaded often. what is this has anyone have the same problem?

回答 (4)

2014-09-05 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tinnitus is a sound heard in one or both of the ears, that originates inside the ear - in other words, it's not external noise, and no-one else can hear it.

The sounds are usually ringing, buzzing, whistling, roaring or hissing, and can vary between just a faint noise, and one that is loud, and very distressing. In some people, the sounds are only there occasionally, but others have them nearly all the time.

It can occur for no apparent reason at all, but it may also be associated with other problems in the ear, especially the hearing loss that occurs gradually with increasing age, and in younger people, with damage to the ear caused by repeated exposure to loud noise.

It is a fairly common condition in people who have worked in the music business, especially clubs and discos. It can also be caused by some drugs, especially aspirin and some antibiotics.

More rarely, it can be linked with an overactive thyroid gland, or anaemia, and can occur after a head injury. Tinnitus in one ear only may be a sign of a tumour affecting the nerve between the ear and the brain. So don't ignore it - go and see your doctor.
2014-09-04 3:51 am
not likely

consult with an ENT specialist

what is your diet like?
do you drink clean water often? or do you drink junk sodas?

[[ Hippocrates 460 - 359
"Doctors should first understand the cause of disease, then treat it with diet. Medicine should only be used if diet fails"


'Drug companies are not here to bring health to the population but to scam them on one level
for vast amounts of money, by treating the symptoms and not addressing the cause.'
-Sir William Ossler, MD (1849-1919)

"Over and over I explain to patients, 'Your pain, misery and illness results from your
own dietary mistakes and drugs. You are suffering because you are filled with toxic wastes caused by your diet of poorly selected food filled with artificial flavorings, preservatives,
synthetics, and over-processed ingredients—too much stimulating food and too few natural vitamins from vegetables and fruits....' "

Henry G. Bieler, MD
Food is Your Best Medicine

also, from naturalnews dot com
(NaturalNews) Nature is all about balance. The human body, being naturally created, reflects this principle in every small aspect as well as in its main orchestration, the constant search for homeostasis. Yet mainstream doctors tend to overlook the primal theme of balance. They like to view each body part or system in isolation. They don't hear the symphony because they have chosen to examine only one note of the music. This approach produces some strange conclusions, one of which is that sodium is the culprit in hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

Learn more: ]]

hope that helps
2014-09-04 3:31 am
not your brain that has an issue---your EARS have the problem. In addition, the fluid in the middle and inner ear control balance so that is further indication you may have infection of that area. Have a hearing specialist get you some help so you do not risk losing hearing entirely.
2014-09-04 3:31 am
There is no way to say without checking you.
I would consult a doctor.

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