Fitness program HELP!?

2014-09-03 7:03 pm
I am 9 stone (57kg), 5ft 8" and am looking for a fitness program that will help me put on muscle and improve my cardio.

At home I have no fitness equipment like a bench press,dumbbells etc... and don't really want to go to the gym because it is too far away from where I live.

Could anyone assist me in a fitness program or regime that would help me put on muscle and improve my Cardio. (New to fitness). Also time isn't a problem I have loads of it.

回答 (4)

2014-09-03 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Get a skipping rope ('jumping rope' in the US), and a backpack.

Wearing the backpack, with books, bricks, earth or water bottles in it, while performiing squats, pressups and pullups will provide increased 'resistance' to stimulate muscle-building processes. These processes take place BETWEEN training sessions; the more growth you are stimulating, the longer you need to rest between workouts (and between sets in a workout).

Don't wear the baqckpack while skipping; you could damage joints that way. Keep your skipping light, quick and varied. Aim to add a new move every three weeks or so.
2014-09-04 2:34 am
Go for a run, complete crunches and push ups.

Food is 90% of the equation, so make sure your eating good food.
2014-09-04 2:22 am
Cardio is easy, jogging builds cardio. Start smalls, build up the amount you run very slowly, and you'll improve your cardio fitness while avoiding injury.

Strength and muscle require weight lifting.
2014-09-04 2:04 am
Insanity or p90x!
參考: I've done them:)

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