我想買倫敦-Principal Tower,問法律意見

2014-09-04 5:38 am
我見英國樓好似抵買咁,買入倫敦Principal Tower一個單位,用作收租,但繫畢竟係海外投資,所以有好多法律問題想問。。。

有冇AGENT 介紹可以代收樓及收租?


回答 (3)

2014-09-04 12:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You need to find your own.

a. You don't need a license to do any of the above;

b. Due to legal issues, developers usually insist the owners (or person who holds power of attorney) to finalized the sale and inspection. A real estate agent can't do anything in this instance;

c. Not every agent is willing to work with an international landlord. Also, not every agent is up to your standard/expectation (such as fees charged).

2. See here:


(It is a publication prepared by a law firm. You should be able to get a sense about what tax you may have to pay.)
2014-09-04 9:51 pm
好似幾得喎, 建築大師Normam Foster間公司全權負責, 佢起過香港HSBC中環總行同赤臘角機場. 投資有得考慮喎. 不過唔知入場費會會貴過香港樓??
2014-09-04 7:56 am
好快咁睇左呢個property, 如果冇睇錯, 呢個應該係係shoreditch 既, 有分商用同住宅, 先要知你係想買邊一類. 二黎佢既起步價為£600k, 即係約780 萬hkd. 所以如果放租, 個月租應該要有番咁上下, 而income tax 既% 係睇你既收入而定, 愈高個% 愈大. 呢個地方太central (zone 2)近commercial building. 要睇下可唔可以afford 到會比較好. 因為我並唔係覺得呢個單位咁抵買.

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