保險業 VS 零售業

2014-09-03 10:50 pm
背景: 啱啱係美國大學grad, 諗住係做多兩年野先返香港

我而家做緊luxury fashion ge sales associate, 做左差唔多4 個月, part time 黎, manager & co-workers 都對我好好, 工作環境都唔錯, 我自己又鍾意fashion, 又可以日日見到唔同ge 人, 企成日對我黎講唔係問題, 見到d 舊客返黎搵我買野就特別有滿足感. 但可惜公司唔會offer full time, 即係無insurance coverage, 無paid time off, 無401k, 咩benefits 都無除左employee discount, base salary 好低, 都係靠commission. 而我身處ge 呢個city唔係一個時尚/多遊客ge city, 所以做呢行其實唔好賺, 我知係香港好好賺, 但唔知幾年後個市場係點, 我覺得decline 緊

另一方面, 今日收到一間規模大ge 保險公司ge claims assistant position. full time, 人工唔錯, 穩定收入, 不過好難同而家比較, 因為而家做sales 係base salary+commission+bonus(如果做夠數), 同埋做office 好似多d advancement opportunities. 但係我對呢行係0認識, 公司入面ge 人大多數都應該大我十幾年, office environment 應該都好少可以講野, 又唔會同外界接觸, 所以會好悶, 同埋本身已經無咩朋友... 我唔知呢行係香港係咩環境

各位有咩高見? 我應該點揀? 我有一星期時間考慮

回答 (1)

2014-09-04 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is entirely up to you.

Since you plan to return to Hong Kong, any long-term benefits (like 401(k) plan) will not be an issue to you.

What I can say is once you have returned to Hong Kong, your past experience will be directly impacted your choice of first Hong Kong employer.

So the luxury brand and/or the insurance company will define your chance.

Unfortunately it will not be about what you have learned or done, but the reputation of the company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:21:13
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