grammer 有無錯, thx

2014-09-03 7:56 pm
1) According to your invoice,


2) The insurance of accrual per your records is $100.

根據你的應付賬目中, 保險費是$100

3) $300 is booked in insurance for 1st, Jan, 2011 to 15th Feb, 2011.

1月1號至2月15號的保險費, 入數係$300

4) Preparing name card was paid by cash and it is not booked in last year.

整左名片係公司比現金, 但無入係上年賬目


回答 (5)

2014-09-03 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) invoice是賣方給買方的"付款單"
因此假如你話your invoice即是他是向你收錢[你先要確定張單是誰出給誰]
According to you invoice意思是根據你的收款單據

According to the invoice for your "payment"/"premium",

2)保費(客戶付的費用)的正式名稱是insurance premium.
According to your insurance plan, the premium is $100.

3)1月1號至2月15號的保險費, 入數係$300
假如按你的寫法先後次序=要先講$300,也應該是past tense.
$300 was booked in for the insurance premium of 1 Jan 2011 to 15 Feb 2011

4) Production/Making of Business(Name) Card was paid in cash and the amount was not booked in last year
參考: 自己意見...還有多種可能寫法的
2014-09-07 10:26 am
grammer 串錯左係 grammar ,,,, 大家都串錯了~~~~~XD
2014-09-06 12:02 am
2) The accrual insurance premium is $100

4) Preparing name card was paid by cash and it WAS not booked in last year.

The other two are OK as they are.
2014-09-05 9:15 am
book 作 verb 時, 解 "入帳", 是 accounting 專用術語,
"recorded in the books" 比較多數的人會明白

4) The expense on business cards, which was paid in cash, was not recorded in the books last year.

books (noun) = 賬目
2014-09-03 10:49 pm
你的意思是 "中翻英" 是否正確?

1) 根據你的單據,
According to your invoice,

2) 根據你的應付賬目中, 保險費是$100
The insurance of accrual per your records is $100.

The insurance premium is $100 "as per" (with reference to) your accounts payable records.

3) 1月1號至2月15號的保險費, 入數係$300
$300 is booked in insurance for 1st, Jan, 2011 to 15th Feb, 2011.

The insurance premium for the period from 1st Jan. 2011 to 15th Feb. 2011 is accounted for as $300.

4) 整左名片係公司比現金, 但無入係上年賬目
Preparing name card was paid by cash and it is not booked in last year.

The expense for preparing name cards was paid by cash and was not accounted for in last year's books.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:47:50
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