How would non-Catholics feel if ISIS made good on their threats to kill Pope Francis?

2014-09-02 8:13 pm
The Islamic States' next target is Pope Francis as the group deems Italy a highly strategic point of attack.

An Italian intelligence agency had purportedly found information that the ISIS is targeting the Pope as he bears false witness against Islam and serves as the "greatest exponent of the Christian religions," an Italian newspaper, Il Tempo, reported on August 25

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2014-09-02 8:43 pm
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It would be pretty shocking and sad too. But then again it's sad when ANYBODY is killed because of religion.
2014-09-02 8:20 pm
Even as an atheist I would not want to see anyone killed. That includes the pope, and anyone else being threatened for the thoughts that run through their head.

Thinking the guy is wrong in his belief system is a very long way from wishing to see him dead.

That said..... it's possible nothing would make the western world lose their **** like the assassination of a pope. Think how many western nations are either predominantly Catholic or have a significant Catholic minority. That would include essentially all of North America, South America, and Europe.

"Holy" wars.... are bad things. But let's hope that the Muslims have not forgotten that the Catholics are certainly not above waging them.
2014-09-02 8:21 pm
Since they just beheaded another American I don't put anything past those barbarians. How would I feel ?angry!!!!
2014-09-02 10:57 pm
I don't believe for a moment this is a real threat, but I would feel bad. Francis is the least offensive Pope we've in decades. There's been a lot worse; he can do some good.
2014-09-02 8:18 pm
It's more propaganda to taunt and intimidate the West and anyone not in support of ISIS. I'm sure they would love the media attention and recruiting it would get them, but not likely that they would succeed in executing the Pope. If they did, it would only rally the world against them.

The Vatican, as a sovereign nation, could potentially militarize itself with a small army of religious devotees. I'm sure they would do that if the threat was significant enough. Vatican Defense Forces?? It is possible such a thing could spur another Crusade, but more realistically and near term, we would see more involvement of NATO, AUS and US military action against ISIS, me thinks.
2014-09-02 8:16 pm
Well, first off would be the shock.....that is a pretty big office, the pope, to set your sites on.....

anger? Hmmm....I don't know, I'd have to wait & see.

It would be a shame, he seems to genuinely care about his flock.
2014-09-02 9:33 pm
ISIS is the most extremist Sunni jihadists intent on destroying anyone who is not one of them!
I am Shia but I know Sunni brothers are not terrorist .terrorists are ISIS.they are Wahhabi Takfiri.ISIS or ISIL is creation of musad.US arm and support ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
The former NSA and CIA agent Edward Snowden revealed that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained in Israel.

Snowden added that the American CIA and the British Intelligence collaborated with the Israeli Mossad to create a terrorist organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

The “Hornet’s nest’’ strategy aims to bring all the major threats to one place in order to track them, and mostly to shake the stability of the Arab countries. The NSA agent revealed that the ISIS “Calif”, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi went trough intense military training in the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”.

Besides military training, Al Baghdadi studied communication and public speaking skills in order to attract “terrorists” from all the corners of the world.

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), an independent non-profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada, which focuses on research and media, relayed a story about this as well, adding that “three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place,” using the aforementioned “the hornet’s nest” strategy.

“The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders,” Snowden was reported to say.

For the time being, Snowden is still “blocked” in the international zone of a Russian airport in Moscow as he can’t travel anywhere because his passport was revoked recently.,ques.qu...
2014-09-02 8:22 pm
I'd be shocked and surprised if they managed to murder the Pope, and would expect the world's civilized nations to unite and eventually exterminate ISIS.
2014-09-02 8:21 pm
I would be really unhappy and upset.

No one should be killed for their religious beliefs. No one.

If ISIS managed to kill the pope, then I suspect we would see another crusade. And while a bunch of fanatics killing another bunch of fanatics might lead to more moderate religion, there would also be millions of people caught in the crossfire. Never mind the issue of a holy war close to Israel, or the potential for one bunch of fanatics to get their hands on a nuke.
2014-09-04 9:35 pm
He looks like a good person. But I wouldn't care because he is a the "greatest exponent of the Christian religions". I would care because ISIS is a Group of sick and Dangerous terrorists.

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