
2014-09-02 12:22 am
我今年係F1 我想問下咁多位C兄/C姐/知道嘅人 邊班係精英班 聽人講AC係精英班 係唔係真嫁 如果係真AC訪班勁D 同有咩分別 有冇話A班係咩勁 C班係咩勁? THXX

回答 (1)

2014-09-09 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, I 'm not studying in CNEC Christian College. Any information is come form my friends who are studying in CNEC Christain College now. Therefore, I cannot sure the information is totally correct. You can just refer it.
1A is good at Eng. 1C is good at Mathematics. 1B and 1D is not so special.
參考: my friends

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