Why should it matter if another believes or disbelieves in God?

2014-08-31 9:19 pm
Shouldn't it matter if he/she is human and that gives him/her basic right for not trying to ruin his/her self respect and self love?

回答 (17)

2014-08-31 9:24 pm
It doesn't matter what anyone believes provided they don't try to force those beliefs on others through education, the law or government. If people kept their religion to themselves, we would all get on so much better but, unfortunately, they don't.
2014-08-31 9:32 pm
If not for religion, the World Trade Center twin towers would still be standing.
2014-08-31 9:38 pm
It doesn't.
What *does* matter are their words and actions in societies of human beings.
If their words and actions harm others, they merit criticism, ostracism, ridicule, or worse.
If their words and actions are based on their "religious beliefs," those beliefs merit the same.
2014-08-31 9:27 pm
There's the problem. Yours is the difference between "Me first" and "others first." Your concept is why the earth has deteriorated so quickly. Society teaches self-centeredness.
2014-08-31 10:02 pm
We are all human by birth. What matters is staying that way!

At John 17:3, "This means everlasting life," getting an,ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of both God and of Christ. Then the opposite would be true. Ignorance if both means eternal death. (Not torture at all)

If you saw your neighbor in life threatening trouble, would you fail to help? No matter if we failed, we would all TRY at least.

The same is true here. Only by trying to spread knowledge of how they can get to the place of safety can anyone be kept alive. In every occasion when God has destroyed anything, he always has given adequate warning to those involved. Most important here, he always has provided a way out to safety for any obeying Him.

At Jericho, it was a red scarf hung out an apartment window. The Flood, simply being inside the Ark. In Jerusalem in 68CE, it was running--not journeying--to the mountains. If not, every other Jew was killed either by Romans or bandits, if they were anywhere in the land of Israel.

Today, this involves everyone on the planet. Every human government is on Satan's side, against God's heavenly armies. We each choose whether to live or die by our choice of which side we are on.

So YES, it matters.
2014-08-31 9:26 pm
If self respect and self love are ruined, it is because it's the wrong God
your believing in.The true God wants you to know you're worth more
than all possible worlds.
2014-08-31 9:28 pm
It should not make a difference and at all. Live and let live.
2014-08-31 9:26 pm
Because actions are always driven by ones beliefs. To believe in God is to do good. To believe in lies is to do evil. It is that simple.
2014-08-31 9:25 pm
I honor the choice people make. It makes me sad to see people make poor choices. And it matters when those choices involve decisions affecting adversely family and friends.
2014-09-01 9:00 am
Of course beliefs matter (though people are entitled to beliefs...however wrong on occasions)
If I believe tomato and deadly nightshade are equally edible I have problems.
A deep belief that is not worth sharing is not worth having
2014-09-01 8:13 am
Talk about missing the point...

What someone believes is entirely their business, there's no thought police, I couldn't care less what a person believes, HOWEVER, once they bring those beliefs outside their heads into the public domain and start making ridiculous claims about what is true, they can absolutely expect them to be ridiculed.
The time for religious ideas having the monopoly on what is told to people as true without even being allowed to be questioned, is over. Honest people allow their ideas to be scrutinised among others to see if they hold up to it.
If you have ideas that you want to share but not have them subjected to critical thought, share them in church.
2014-09-01 5:42 am
For some faith is stronger then fact but for many it is otherwise. So it depends on a person what type he is. It should not matter to anyone whether he believes or disbelieves in God.
2014-09-01 12:12 am
Stories told over thousands of years have taken on a life of it's own Looks like faith is stronger then facts. They want to believe they can live forever.
2014-08-31 10:59 pm
It doesn't matter unless they try to force their beliefs on others.
2014-08-31 10:33 pm
yes it matters very much in believing and being saved to go to Heaven
2014-08-31 9:35 pm
It doesn't, it matters when they try and force it down your throat.
2014-08-31 9:24 pm
It really doesn't... From my perspective everyone is saved, already.

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