Hong Kong University Eng Level

2014-09-01 6:51 am
I will ask this question in English because I want people who really know Englishto answer.

After grade six I went to Canada to continue my education because I am doing so bad in elementary school. After almost eight years in Canada I want to come back to Hong Kong to apply for university. I know that my English is not as good as other classmate from Hong kong. The reason I am not as good as other because I have severe Learning disability.

I can/not:
Watch any English movie without sub-title
Talk to other people comfortably. (with accent)
I can read a English news paper and understand (I may not able to understand all words)
Writing is the worst, I know many of friend in Canada can find at least 10 grammar mistake in this post.

My question:
1) will people laugh at me when I speak English, because I stay in Canada for so long?
2)What level of English comparing to Canada? Grade 12?
3)I am comfortable to use English but I am embarrass to tell others I live in Canada for eight years.

回答 (5)

2014-09-01 12:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes and no.

Yes - Seriously, unless you live in Quebec, if you still have problem speaking English, then you are really in a big trouble. Accent is not the issue.

No - Major Canadian cities like Vancouver and Toronto have many Chinese. This is a fair explanation on why people from those cities tend to have a below average English.

(Seriously, even people from Calgary may have better English from Vancouver.)

2. Hong Kong's English is very strange. In written English (writing and reading), they are way too difficult. Seriously, even a native speaker may not get a good score in HKDSE. However, due to Mainland's influence, Hong Kong's verbal English has dropped significantly, which I will guess about at the Grade 9 (Form 3) level.

3. Seriously, you made the wrong choice by thinking about coming back. I am not certain what kind of learning disabilities you have. However, it is certain that Hong Kong lacks of resources for learning disabilities.

In Canada, you may be still able to graduate despite the disabilities. However, sorry to say, I can be sure that your chance does not look good in Hong Kong.
2014-09-04 8:59 am
Congrats to Gary for your debut in "知識+英文頁" ! You've just given your first ever answer here.

Thank you for your contribution.
2014-09-02 9:03 am
Did you pass the Ontario grade 10 Literacy Test and the school grade 12 English?
If yes, it shows that you at least have a good working knowledge of English.
Did the Toronto School Board identify you with learning disability?

2014-09-02 01:11:16 補充:
It is in your best interest to pursue studies in Canada.
Competition for a university place is very intense in Hong Kong. High school students over there are trained to score high marks at all costs in the exam. Even a normal CBC has a hard time to fit it, let alone someone with L.D.
2014-09-01 10:03 am
First, let me ask you two questions:
1. Have you ever got out of the ESL (or ELL) course to attend the regular English course during your eight year study in Canada?
2. If yes, did you pass the provincial exam for English 12, or Social Studies 11?

Why worry if you have succeeded the above?
2014-09-01 9:54 am
Only real friends will support you. You don't need to worry what other people think. Only you can be who you are, so be yourself and enjoy it!

2014-09-01 03:19:41 補充:
Re your question 2)What level of English comparing to Canada? Grade 12?
Usually require TOEFL 550, IELTS 6.0 or IB 4.
Suggest you check the websites of your target universities, or email to them.

2014-09-01 12:39:15 補充:
If you think it's about Grade 5-6 English in Canada, then It's good to you. As I know Toronto University minimal entrance requirement is TOEFL 580. Then you can choose either Canada or HK. :-)
2014-09-01 8:54 am
Please make yourself comfortable when speaking English for 8 yrs.Have confident and not too embarassed in your life.

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