
2014-09-01 3:26 am
1) A swimming pool with length 50m and width 25m was filled with
2500m^ 3 water. Suddenly, a giant comes and drinks half of water. What is the
depth of water now?

2)There rae 36 squares htat both have the same area, 9cm ^ 2 . If they are arranged to form a big square, find the perimeter of the big square.

3) A garden 7m x 20m is suurounded by a path of 1m wide. Find the area of the


回答 (2)

2014-09-01 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
The depth of water after the giant drinks half of the water
= 2500 ÷ (50 × 25) ÷ 2 m
= 2500 ÷ 1250 ÷ 2 m
= 2 ÷ 2 m
= 1 m

Length of each side of the big square
= √(36 × 9) cm
= 6 × 3 cm
= 18 cm

Perimeter of the big square
= 18 × 4 cm
= 72 cm

Area of the path
= (7 + 2) × (20 + 2) - 7 × 20 m²
= 198 - 140 m²
= 58 m²

2014-08-31 22:13:33 補充:
參考: 土扁, 土扁
2014-09-02 12:05 am
agree with 土扁!!!!

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