
2014-09-01 2:19 am

回答 (4)

2014-09-01 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
If notyou, I might have died already.
Onlybecause of your presence, I am still living.
Was itnot for you, I passed away long ago.
2014-09-10 5:23 pm
"要不是有你"==If not because of you.
例如說,要不是有你的話,我早已經死去==e.g.If not because of you, I might have been dead already..
參考: Partly according to the Dictionary
2014-09-02 1:43 am

If it were not for you, I might have died already.

Because of your, I am still alive.

Was it not for you, I was long gone. [pass away不會用來形容自己]
2014-09-01 10:20 pm
英語世界, 大概沒有這種講法...

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