急! 我身在澳洲, 香港護照快過期, 12月才回港能出境嗎

2014-08-31 11:05 pm
急! 我依家係澳洲, 岩岩發現香港護照10月過期, 但係我12月先番香港....會唔會比我出境咖?T_T
我有有效student visa. 但係上5上到機, book 唔 book 到機票番香港換passport 咖?

回答 (2)

2014-09-01 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is yes - airlines can deny boarding as you don't have a valid travel document, even you are returning to the place of issuance of that document.

You will need to go to your nearest Chinese Consulate to get a new passport (or travel document if urgent) if you are using HKSAR Passport.

If you are using BN(O) Passport, check with your local High Commission for extension purpose (it is a mess to get a new British Passport, so if you can, get an extension instead).

2014-09-03 20:36:38 補充:
Simple - a single question will resolve your concern:

If you are asked to pick an answer from here, which one has a higher risk if the answer turn out to be incorrect?
2014-09-01 3:54 pm

通常你持原居地過期護照,航空公司都會俾你check in,你到香港就用HKIC入境。

2014-09-01 09:03:51 補充:

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