ionic & metallic compound

2014-08-30 5:58 pm
What is ionic compound?
What is metallic compound?
What are the differences between these two types of compounds?
Explain with some examples please : )

回答 (1)

2014-09-02 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What is ionic compound?
It is formed by complete transfer ot electron(s) from the more electronpositive atom (e.g. Na) to the electronegative atom (e.g. Cl). The compound is composed of cations and anions (e.g. Na+ . Cl-). It is brittle and has high melting point and boiling point. It does not conduct electricity in solid state, but can conduct in molten state or aqueous solution. Usually, it is formed by reaction of metal with non-metal.

What is metallic compound?
It is formed in metals by electrostatic attraction of loosely held electron sea to the cationic metal ions. You may mean the alloys which is formed by combination of different metals via metal-metal bonds. Since there is mobile electrons, it conducts in solid state. Since there are still a lot metallic bonds retained in the liquid state, the melting point is relatively low compared to boiling points where all bonds are broken to form free atoms. e.g. Zn-Cu alloy, Ni-Cr wire

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:08:49
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