Are you surprised Angelia & Brad tied the knot?

2014-08-29 5:41 pm

回答 (122)

2014-08-30 1:24 pm
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They must have needed some publicity! I mean, they both have full time careers, so they never see each other. They have adopted 12 kids that they probably spend a total of 7 minutes a week with. It could be boredom, too. They have already been together a sufficient amount of years that should be categorized as "married," so they are bored. Decided to play dress up, throw out some invites, a couple hundred cases of Champange, and a catering job that would pay off the national deficit. Everyone goes home...except for those two that will be on the cover of the "Enquirer," next week. It's all in a day's pay!
2014-08-30 11:48 am
I'm surprised any one really cares.

And very surprised that one would say "I'm thrilled". What's up with that? As if they cared if someone they don't know is "thrilled".

Those who get caught up in these kinds of celebrity things and are "thrilled" or even give a rat's butt what celebrities do - need to get a life of their own. Or at least find something or someone close enough to them to be "thrilled" about.
2014-08-31 12:54 am
Nope, they've been together all these years and love each other genuinely to avoid the press getting involved in their personal lives. Namely their own wedding. I'm not much of a 'brangelina' fan but somehow I think Angelina is a rather good person, Brad is lucky to be with her. They seem to have a healthy family life going also. I wish nothing but the best for 'em!
2014-08-29 8:47 pm
No...and I would have loved to have seen the kids participate...I hope this union lasts.and I congratulate them...and wonder if Jen sent them a gift.
2014-08-29 8:57 pm
A little. I'm thrilled they were able to keep it a secret just for their family and it didn't turn into a circus. He always said he wanted a family, too bad Jen never listened. I hope Mr. and Mrs. Pitt and family are very happy.
2014-08-29 7:50 pm
Who cares?
2014-08-29 9:37 pm
Surprised yes this is the first I have heard of it , they have been together for so long it's about Dam time .
2014-08-29 8:11 pm
They did it for the kids. They have made statements in the past that the kids wanted them to be man and wife...imagine that..children wanting their parents married and the kids no longer illegitimate...pitiful
2014-08-31 5:45 am
If they wanted publicity, they could've had some but they kept it under wraps, so they're not after publicity. And no, I'm not surprised they got married. They'd been planning it all along.
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2014-08-31 2:11 am
9 years and what 5 kids or so later and now the little piece of paper means something. They should have waited until they graduated college.
2014-08-29 6:35 pm
Nope. He really wanted to marry me, I turned him down so he settled for Angelina..
2014-08-30 7:00 am
No I'm surprised a t all. With a boatload of kids it's about time!
2014-08-30 12:28 am
i didnt even know they werent married....shows how much i pay attention to that kind of stuff.
2014-08-29 6:01 pm
Candy well not really,is was kind of on the cards my friend.
2014-08-31 5:17 pm
Who knows why they waited? But I suspect that, being a Hollywood couple, they were concerned what that "little piece of paper" might do to their relationship. The fact that they chose to have several children tells me that they were very serious about each other. Their parenting has NEVER been disputed; for a Hollywood couple, I think they are very dedicated. They love each other so much that one of their children has been quoted as saying that they make out too much! If after all these years they're still that dedicated to one another, not only should they get married, but also they may be one of the few couples with a chance to survive!
I'm really glad that they've decided to tie the knot. Can you tell? :)
Besides, it's time. He's 50, and she's 39. Congrats to the couple!
2014-08-29 9:41 pm
Frankly my dear I do not give a damn.
2014-08-30 1:41 pm
Its all for show Brangelina was a made up Hollywood relationship to sell more magazines and to get them more roles they only tied the knot to get them back in the public eye because they are now old and no one wants them they will be divorced in a year like the rest of them all. They are both prideful disguising disciple human beings loaded with herpes from their open marriage bed. Plus they picked Angelina for him because she looked like his co star for MEET JO BLACK you can barley tell the difference between them. Who cares about celebrities why cant people be famous for playing movie roles about heroes who save lives stop feeding gossip.
2014-08-31 4:34 am
I don't care nor worship celebrities.
2014-08-30 7:47 pm
Not surprised. Couple who seems to be satisfied about each other, ties the knot until they all get fed up in the end, in which I hope they won't. Celebrities always have it hot then subsides somewhere along the way.
2014-08-29 8:33 pm
Many people made it happen with the young children. They've already manufactured transactions in past times which the young children required those to possibly be male in addition to girl... suppose.. little ones hoping the moms and dads committed along with the young children not illegitimate... pitiful.
2014-08-31 11:30 pm
I thought they were married, I was surprised to find out they weren't and that they waited a while. 6 years right? They also have children together
2014-08-31 2:07 am
I thought they were already married so no, it doesn't surprise me. Hollywood marriages never last, so I wouldn't expect it to be "earth-shattering". I give it 2 years.
2014-08-31 1:07 am
NO...NOT surprised because I really didn't givacrap!!!
2014-08-30 11:37 pm
I thought they were already married.
2014-08-30 11:12 pm
have you seen how many kids they have adopted, its about time they tied the knot. I heard they didn't marry each other before because they wanted all marriage right or something for all the people.
2014-08-30 4:54 am
I'm not really into celebrities.
2014-08-30 4:11 am
No. I honestly thought they got married a few years ago.
2014-08-29 8:11 pm
Not at all
2014-08-29 6:39 pm
No and it has been a long time coming !
2014-08-31 7:18 pm
I'm surprised when anyone ties the knot.
2014-08-31 6:34 am
u meen like the 1 on my shoe
2014-08-31 2:41 am
Not in the least, they have been a couple since like 2005?
2014-08-31 1:04 am
I'm happy for them and the kids.....!!
2014-08-30 12:57 am
I was surprised, but I also thought,: "About Time"!
2014-08-29 8:01 pm
The only reason to get "married" is to start a family and raise children. THEY ALREADY DID THAT...they don't need a government or religion for PERMISSION.
2014-08-29 10:59 pm
A little. I wonder what his penis tastes like. Yum.
2014-09-01 4:55 pm
I was, yes. I thought they were married many years ago Who knew?
2014-09-01 11:53 am
Brangelina.... maybe not that much. They both did drugs.
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-09-01 4:42 am
They are not on my this is the first time hearing about the marriage.

Not surprised about them getting married.....won't be surprised about them getting a divorce.
2014-09-01 3:49 am
Nah, nothing that celebrities do surprises me anymore. And, quite frankly, I really don't care what they do.
2014-09-01 2:06 am
2014-09-01 12:55 am
2014-09-01 12:46 am
no I'm not
2014-09-01 12:26 am
I'm probably the only one who was surprised...because I thought they were already married. They were adopting so many children so I just assumed they were already married. I am so out of touch with celebrity gossip
2014-09-01 12:08 am
No, it's true love!
2014-08-31 11:14 pm
2014-08-31 10:54 pm
They already tied the knot, as we all do, who eventually have the ceremony to make it "official". I'm disappointed, I wanted to see a wedding and her dress, the rings, the kids...
2014-08-31 10:51 pm
Nah... If Anything, I'm surprised They didn't find a Way to sneak off & do it SOONER !! ;)
參考: ( And may They continue to Live HAPPILY -Ever After... .. . )
2014-08-31 10:44 pm
I thought they tide the knot years ago ..

I was surprised to learn that they were living in sin all these years ..
2014-08-31 10:39 pm
2014-08-31 10:27 pm
No, too bad it is Jennifer Aniston's loss and Brad's gain he's got the most stunning woman in the world. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Pitt be happy and stay a successful marriage for a really long time and hope Jennifer Aniston be an bitter old maid forever and be alone for the rest of her life no man wants her pathetic *** and plain face with no personality. Mrs. Angelina Jolie Pitt is BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS inside and outside!!!!! Brad, a lucky man!!!!
2014-08-31 10:05 pm
I was under the assumption that they were already married.
2014-08-31 10:03 pm
Not at all. They have children together and she has had some health issues, he is getting older and that makes people realize that if they have dependent children, they better protect them the best way they can and that means a marriage license.
2014-08-31 8:28 pm
not really
2014-08-31 8:14 pm
You mean they aren't divorced yet?
2014-08-31 7:42 pm
2014-08-31 7:41 pm
2014-08-31 7:38 pm
2014-08-31 7:19 pm
No I am not.
2014-08-31 6:59 pm
I am astonished that anyone outside of their families cares one iota about a non-news story like this.
I cannot even express in words my profound apathy toward most so-called celebrities. Some of us actually have REAL lives with REAL people in them!
2014-08-31 2:35 pm
2014-08-31 10:13 am
No, I am not surprised. And, I won't be surprised when they untie the knot. These Hollywood people think very little of marriage aside from the publicity they gain when they enact this little charade.
2014-08-31 6:46 am
they are going for honeymoon with their six child....
2014-08-31 6:31 am
which means the countdown clock to the epic DIVORCE has finally begun.

No, not surprised at all.........they've been talking about getting married for like what ? 7 years now?

same as Jennifer Aniston.......she's been "getting married" for like a freaking decade now.

Just shut the hell up and DO IT one freaking CARES, where or who you marry.
2014-08-31 6:29 am
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-08-31 5:30 am
Not as surprised as I am that people actually care. I mean, who cares. They aren't part of your family, you don't know them personally.
2014-08-31 12:45 am
2014-08-30 10:39 pm
yes I think so. A little bit. It's nice that they have though.
2014-08-30 10:12 pm
Not at all, they were meant to be especially how Lon they've been together and how long they've been doing movies
2014-08-30 9:52 pm
2014-08-30 9:35 pm
With any celebrities nothing is shocking
2014-08-30 9:18 pm
Who cares....they've been together since 2005. What else do people expect...
2014-08-30 8:55 pm
2014-08-30 8:40 pm
Who cares about those two. Seriously. My life is far more interesting.
2014-08-30 7:41 pm
no smart people on their own terms.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-08-30 7:13 pm
It's about time they decided to tie the knot! I'm happy for them. They waited until THEY were ready to get married. Congrats to them both!
2014-08-30 6:54 pm
2014-08-30 5:41 pm
No! For they have going together for a long time
2014-08-30 5:11 am
I already gave my last fuc$ out, sorry.
2014-08-30 2:37 am
I have to second Madame's opinion...who cares???????
2014-08-30 1:31 am
I could care less.
2014-08-29 8:04 pm
2014-08-31 2:33 pm
Surprised? no. Jealous? Yes! I would love to shag that every day lol
well done brad
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-08-29 9:21 pm
2014-08-29 7:26 pm
no not at all.
2014-08-31 7:23 pm
I personally don't give a ****. People get married everyday, get a life.
2014-09-02 2:37 pm
Nope. They live together and have kids together.
2014-09-02 6:24 am
Not much surprised me, Because both they get married and they were also free to do divorce.
2014-09-02 3:07 am
wow so many said pieces of **** dont have anything better to do on here then worry about celebs.
2014-09-02 3:02 am
2014-09-02 2:09 am

I tied the knot myself.

2014-09-02 2:02 am
2014-09-01 7:14 pm
2014-09-01 12:14 pm
I don't really care
2014-09-01 10:48 am
2014-09-01 8:08 am
it is interesting them, their tied knot.......
2014-09-01 5:00 am
2014-09-01 4:31 am
I am not surprised at all. They outsmarted the scum bag paparazzi!!
2014-09-01 1:43 am
2014-08-31 7:10 pm
No... It's about time....
2014-08-31 7:08 pm
oh yes/ honestly i was shocked
2014-08-31 4:48 pm
Not at all!
2014-08-31 3:00 pm
They don't make a typeface big enough to say this '' I DON'T CARE.''
2014-08-31 9:56 am
Oh, they did? Grats to them. They seem to make a cute family. lol
2014-08-31 5:50 am
2014-08-31 12:36 am
Took WAY too long
2014-08-30 9:13 pm
2014-08-30 7:49 pm
2014-08-30 7:31 pm
2014-08-30 4:16 pm
I thought so.
2014-08-30 4:08 pm
My dear friend,it is their business. Why others should worry about it?
2014-08-30 3:05 pm
2014-08-30 2:43 pm
nothing surprises me any more
2014-08-30 10:41 am
yes, I thought they already were married
2014-08-30 2:52 am
actually i am; i hope they intend it for life
2014-08-29 10:49 pm
2014-08-29 10:12 pm
no i'm happy :)
2014-09-01 2:59 am
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
2014-08-31 11:18 pm
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-08-31 8:24 pm
2014-08-31 5:13 pm
Well, Yes. But here's why! Brad was caught cheating! Here's the news
, and a video
2014-08-31 2:15 pm
Frankly i don't care go get a life
2014-08-30 8:06 am
Not in the least. I knew it was inevitable.

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